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The postal office takes in stuff, hides some and ejects some.

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Q: Why is the postal office is a real life example of Golgi body?
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What is a real life example of Golgi body?

A postal office could be a life example of a Golgi Body.

What building is like a Golgi body?

The building like a Golgi body is a post office

What is a everyday use of Golgi Apparatus?

The Golgi apparatus is involved in packaging and modifying proteins that are made by the cell. It packages these proteins into vesicles for transport within the cell or secretion outside of the cell. This process is essential for the cell to maintain its structure and function.

What is a good anology for a Golgi body?

A good analogy for a Golgi body would be a Post Office because it ships substances outside the cell.

Is the Golgi body like the human body?

Not at all. The Golgi body is a microscopic cell structure inside each and every cell. The Golgi body is like the postal service for the cell. It's job is to package and tag packets of waste and nutrients and send them to the correct parts of the cell. The Golgi body is made up of folds of membrane and doesn't resemble the human body in any way.

How are Golgi bodies like a post office?

The Golgi body modifies proteins and sends them throughout the cell, like a post office packages things and sends them to houses.

What is the Golgi Body in a cell?

The Golgi Body labels and packages protiens for transport throughout the cell. its like a post office.... Source: my head; we're doing cells in science :)

Why is a large intestine like the Golgi's body in the human body?

I'm sorry I think you are seriously confused. The Golgi body is part of the cell, an example of an organelle. The large intestine is an organ in the human body which consists of cells, which have Golgi bodies.

What organelle packages proteins and makes lipids?

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is responsible for the production of lipids and proteins. Rough ER is involved in protein synthesis, while smooth ER synthesizes lipids and detoxifies cells. Once the molecules are produced, they are then packaged and modified by the Golgi apparatus before being transported to their final destination.

What is an analogy for the Golgi Apparatus?

The Golgi Apparatus is like the post office of the cell. It packages proteins and other molecules and sends them to their destination. In a restaurant, a waiter because they transport the plates from kitchen to table. In a factory, the shipping and receiving department.

What is the name for the post office of a cell?

I think it is Golgi body because it receives material and sends material out

What part of the body is like the Golgi Body?

The Golgi body is like the pancreas in the body as it acts as a processing and packaging center just like the Golgi body does in a cell.