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Q: Why is the projectile motion two dimensional not three dimensional?
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What is Two dimensional motion is not always projectile motion in two dimensional motion that is not projectile motion is blank is not accelerating the object?


Two dimensional motion is not always projectile motion . in two -dimensional motion that is not projectile motion , ____ is not accelerating the objective?


What Two dimensional motion is not always project on mission and two dimensional motion that is not projectile motion blank is not accelerating the object?

Two-dimensional motion that is not always projectile motion would be circular motion, where an object moves in a circular path. Two-dimensional motion that is not projectile motion and does not accelerate the object could be uniform circular motion, where the speed is constant but the direction changes.

What Two dimensional motion is not always projectile motion in two dimensional motion that is not projectile motion is blank is not accelerating the object?

Circular motion is a type of two-dimensional motion that is not always projectile motion. In circular motion, such as a car driving around a curve or a satellite orbiting a planet, the object is constantly changing its direction without necessarily being launched upwards. This motion can involve acceleration due to the changes in velocity direction.

Two-dimensional motion is not always projectile motion In two-dimensional motion that is not projectile motion is not accelerating the object?

In two-dimensional motion that is not projectile motion, the object may have acceleration even if it is not accelerating overall. This is because the object's velocity can change direction in two dimensions without necessarily changing its magnitude, leading to acceleration along curved paths. Projectile motion, on the other hand, involves acceleration only in the vertical direction due to gravity while the horizontal velocity remains constant.

What are some examples of both projectile motion and two dimensional motion?

Projectile motion examples include throwing a ball, kicking a soccer ball, or shooting a basketball. Two-dimensional motion examples include a car driving on a curved road, a pendulum swinging back and forth, or a bird flying in the sky.

Is projectile motion two dimension or three dimension?

three dimention

What the two components of projectile motion are?

The two components of projectile motion are horizontal motion, which is constant and unaffected by gravity, and vertical motion, which is affected by gravity and follows a parabolic path. Both components combine to determine the trajectory of the projectile.

How does the gravity affect the two components of projectile motion?

Projectile motion has two components horizontal motion and vertical motion. Gravity affects only the vertical motion of projectile motion.

Projectile motion always involves downward movement?

This is not true. Projectile motion consists of an object moving in a two-dimensional plane under the influence of gravity. While the vertical component of the motion may involve a downward movement, the horizontal component can be in any direction.

What is projective motion?

Projective motion is any motion defined in two dimensions. For example, if we mathematically project the three-dimensional path of a flying airplane onto a flat plane, the result is projective motion. The three-dimensional path was projected (thus the term) onto the flat plane..

What two things causes projectile motion?

The two things that cause projectile motion are gravity, which acts vertically, and an initial horizontal velocity. These two factors combined result in the curved path followed by a projectile.