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Q: Why is the section on judiciary so much smaller than the other articles?
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Which textbook section would you use to identify the books and articles the author used or referred to in writing the book

Briefly explain the independent of judiciary?

The independent of judiciary is the concept that the judiciary needs to be kept away from the other branches of government. It is vital and independent to the idea of separation of powers.

How judiciary and executive are separate from each other?

The judiciary interprets laws that were passed by the legislature, the executive enforces the laws that were passed by the legislature. The judiciary however is appointed by the executive and confirmed by the legislature. Any unconstitutional acts by any other branches of government can be declared as so by the judiciary only, which is called judicial review.

What is the Judiciary is composed of?

Surpreme court, and other court systems

What is the judicary branch of the government?

The correct spelling is judiciary and not judiciary. The Supreme Court is the head of the judicial branch and they oversee the judiciary of the United States. There are nine judges on the Supreme Court with eight associate judges and one chief justice.

What is the major power of the judiciary in checking the other branches?

The Attorney General

What is the adverb for judiciary?

The adverb for "judiciary" is "judicially." Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to provide more information about how an action is performed. In this case, "judicially" describes actions or processes related to the judiciary, such as judicially reviewing a case or acting judicially in making decisions.

What government branch reviews the acts of the other branches of government?

The judiciary branch.

What is each section of the US Constitution broken into?

The Constitution is divided into Articles, which are divided into Sections, which are divided into Clauses. -- Preamble -- introduces the Constitution and gives general purposes for which gov't was established; power of gov't comes from people Seven divisions, or ARTICLES. Each cover general topic: i.e., Articles 1-3 create three branches of gov't (legislative, executive, judicial). Smaller bits referred to as SECTIONS. Article I Section 1: Legislative Branch Section 2: House of Reps Section 3: Senate Sections 4-7: Organization of Congress Section 8: Powers Granted to Congress Section 9: Powers Forbidden to Congress Section 10: Powers Forbidden to the States Article II Sections 1-4: Executive Branch and its Organization Article III Sections 1-3: Judicial Branch and its Organization Article IV Sections 1-2: Relations of the States to Each Other Sections 3-4: Federal-State Relations Article V Amending the Constitution Article VI Section 1.1: National Debts Section 1.2: Supremacy of National Government Article VII Ratifying the Constitution Be sure to review the Bill of Rights for more.

What are a few types of the articles offered in Healthcare Informatics?

A few types of the articles offered in Healthcare Informatics are information technology articles and healthcare articles. Other articles include clinical and business articles.

How did Congress create the US Supreme Court and federal court system?

Congress created the Supreme Court of the United States and the first "inferior courts" of the federal judiciary in the Judiciary Act of 1789, but has expanded or dismantled parts of the federal court system at various points in history via other Judiciary Acts. The only federal court Congress cannot abolish is the Supreme Court because it is mandated under Article III of the Constitution.

In federalist 51 what deviations does Madison make regarding the judiciary as compared with the other two branches of government?

In federalist 51, one of the deviations that Madison makes regarding the judiciary as compared with the other two branches of government is the mode of choice of public officers.