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Progresssion... You are moving into the 2nd quadrant with two positives. Wait until trig class, then you will get it...

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Q: Why is the sum of two positive integers always positive?
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What is the sum of2 integers positive negitine or zero hoe can you tell?

The sum of two positive integers is always positive.

When you add two positive integers will the sum always be positive or negative?

It will always be positive.

True or false the sum of two negative integers is always positive?

yes the answer is always a positive

When you add two positive integers their sum is always a positive integers when you subtract two positive integers is their difference always a positive integer?

diffrence will always be positive except when it is zero but is you speak of substraction operation it can be positive negative or zero

Is the sum of two integers alwasys a positive?

- Always, if the two integers are both positive. - Sometimes, if the two integers have different signs. - Never, if the two integers are both negative.

What can you say about sum of two positive integers?

The sum is always positive (and it never yields a prime number?)

When adding two negative integers - is the sum always positive?

No, always negative

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Is the sum of two opposite integers always positive?

Yes, the sum of two negative integers is always negative.

What stament is always trueabout the sum of a negtive integer and positive integer?

The statement is: "Their sum is always an integer." Whether the sum is negative or positive depends on the two original integers.

What are two positive integers that have a sum of -18 and a product of 88?

Two positive integers cannot have a sum which is negative!

Is the sum of 2 negative integers never positive?

The sum of two negative integers is never positive.