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Q: Why is the top and bottom of the leaf different?
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Why is the top of a leaf darker green than the bottom?

There is more chlorophyll in the top of the leaf than there is on the bottom

What is the bottom of a leaf called?

The bottom of a leaf is called the abaxial surface. It is typically lighter in color than the top of the leaf and may have different characteristics, such as more stomata for gas exchange.

What is the layer of cells called on the bottom of a leaf?

The answer is no, because, on the top of a leaf there is the, cuticle, then the upper epidermis cells underneath, which you can see these, because you can see a sort of jigzaw pattern on the top of the leaf. but on the bottom of a leaf there are tiny, guard cells, a guard cell is a cell that lets in carbon dioxide to the leaf, but only on the bottom of the leaf. if you have ever wondered why a leaf is greener on the top, than the bottom of a leaf, is because, sunlight can easily reach the top of a leaf, this is called photosynthesis, but on the bottom of a leaf, it only gets sunlight from refections from the ground, because the bottom of the leaf does not have any visible contact with the sun.

How can you tell if a cell is not from the top of a leaf or from the bottom?

the bottom will have more chlorophyll

What does the cuticle in a leaf do?

The cuticle in a leaf is the waxy covering on top and bottom of the leaf. It is used to conserve water.

Why is the top part of a leave darker than the bottom?

The top part of the leaf has more chlorophyll than the bottom.

Which layer is at the top or the bottom of the leaf?

The top layer of the leaf is called the epidermis, which contains the outermost protective layer of cells. The bottom layer is typically the lower epidermis, which contains stomata for gas exchange and specialized cells for support.

How do Lily's breath?

Using their stomata normally located under the leaf, but since the bottom of the lily pad's leaf is submerged in water, the stomata are on the top of the leaf.

What side of the leaf are stomata found?

Most stomatas are found on the bottom of a leaf, a few can be found on the top depending on the plant variety

Why is the stomata at the top for xerophytes?

Stomata are located on the top surface of xerophyte leaves to minimize water loss by reducing exposure to direct sunlight and wind. Placing stomata on the top surface helps create a more humid microenvironment around the stomata, reducing water loss through transpiration. This adaptation is crucial for xerophytes living in dry environments with limited water availability.

Why is a leaf dark green on one side and light on the other?

This difference in color is typically due to varying levels of chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for photosynthesis, in each side of the leaf. The side that receives more sunlight tends to have higher amounts of chlorophyll, appearing darker green, while the shaded side has less chlorophyll, giving it a lighter green color.

Which side is smoother the top or the bottom in a leaf?

Generally speaking, the top surface as it is covered with a waxy cuticle, the bottom of leaves normally have vein protusions, hairs and stomatic openings