For the same reason Kilogramme is abbreviated to Kg... to save space when writing or typing the measurement.
I was taught in grammar class that singular is abbreviated to "sing." while plural is abbreviated to "plur."
Circa is abbreviated as ca.
Thousand is abbreviated as K.
It is an abbreviated version for 'abdominal muscle'. But it is not really a proper word.
The word with is abbreviated as a lower case w followed by a slash.
The word "speaker" can be abbreviated as "spkr."
inches is abbreviated in. for example 17 inches would be written 17 in
The word "hertz" can be correctly abbreviated as "Hz."
The word "doesn't" can be abbreviated as "doesn't."
ORG is how organization is abbreviated.
It is abbreviated to the "web".
The word managed can be abbreviated in a couple different ways. These include "man" and "mgd". However, the word managed is not usually abbreviated.
Manager is abbreviated Mgr.
The word garden is generally not abbreviated because it is such a short word. However, it could be abbreviated as "gdn" or "grdn".
it is you've :)
The word narrow is not generally abbreviated because it is a very short word. However, it could be abbreviated as "nar".
In the phrase "Chartered Accountant", abbreviated CA, the word "chartered" is abbreviated to C.