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The population of the world is growing very fast and there are different factors which are responsible for this. The highest increase has been seen in Asia as compare to the other continents. In some states, the population growth rate is minus. The major reason of increasing population is the increase in the Birth Rate and decrease in the Death Rate. The increasing birth rate is because of the illiteracy and unawareness among the people. People in South Asia also consider their kids as the future earners therefore, more children strategy is being followed by people in rural areas. Death rate has declined because of the medical facilities. Therefore, I think that increasing birth rate and declining death rate are two major factors which are increasing world's population.

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13y ago

According to my opinion; the world's population is growing rapidly mainly because the birth rate is increasing fast, and the death rate is decreasing whereas there are more good medical facilities that assists the death rate from declining and there are more discoveries, facilities, industries, more jobs more resources and advancements.

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Q: Why is the world's population increasing so rapidly?
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