

Why is the world so unequal?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Why is the world so unequal?
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Is it better for the world to stay unequal?

Yes it is better or else the world would be in total chaos. If the world was all equal everyone would fight for power. So it is better to be unequal for the world.

Is it anyone fault that the world is an unequal place?

The world is an unequal place not because of any one person\'s fault, but because of the lack of a collective conscience that sees everybody as equal. In short, it is everybody\'s fault that the world is an unequal place.

What is a polygon with 12 unequal sides called?

It is a dodecagon. While it is irregular, so is a dodecagon with equal sides but unequal angles, so "irregular" is not enough.

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Because governments make arbitrary distinctions between some people moving around the world and others who do so.

What are global inequalities?

global inequalities are unequal oppurtunities for third world countries.

What does an unequal distribution of wealth mean?

Resources are not fairly distributed among members of society.

What is a sentence for the word unequal?

I have several sentences for you.The teams had unequal numbers of players, so the one with more people usually won our family softball games.Applying unequal force to different ends of a board can break it.You and I are unequal in many ways, but we still make good friends.That is an unequal fight because one man is a professional boxer.

How do you use unequal in a sentence?

The two sums of money are unequal. They split the pie unequally. Unequal cake cutting can be devastating. Fernando did not try to make the cookies of unequal size.

Why did Hitler choose to be an unequal discriminator?

Please would you explain what you mean by 'unequal discriminator'? He wasn't under any obligation to discriminate equally ... so the question is puzzling.

How do you put unequal in a sentence?

My hearing seems to be unequal.

What shape has unequal sides and unequal angels?

A Circle

What phrase describes the treatment blacks received in the years before World War 2?

Separate and unequal.