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Q: Why is there a 50 50 chance of having a girl or boy?
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What is the probability that a random couple with three children will have at least two boys?

If we consider there is a 50% chance for having a boy and 50% for having a girl*, there is : - 12,5% chance of having no boys; - 37,5% chance of having 1 boy; - 37,5% chance of having 2 boys; - 12,5% chance of having 3 boys. Therefore, there is 50% chance of having at least two boys. *The odds are more like 51% for having a boy and 49% for having a girl, but it doesn't really matters.

What are the chances of having a girl or boy?

1. The Chances of having a baby boy and a baby girl is 50/50 because the girls have XX Chromosomes and Boys have XY Chromosomes it's a 50% chance that it sprays some liquid to get the Y Chromosomes so either way its 50/50 chance

If a couple wants to have two children what is the probability that the first will be a girl and the second will be a boy?

Assuming the chances of having a boy and having a girl are equal (50/50), there are 4 possible outcomes from having 2 children. BOY-BOY, or GIRL-GIRL, or BOY-GIRL, or GIRL-BOY. Since each outcome is of equal probability it means there's a 25% chance the first will be a girl and the second will be a boy.

What is the probability of having a baby boy?

The sex of a child is determined by male sperm. There are only two sexes, so there is an equal (50-50) chance of having a boy or girl.

What are the chances of having a baby girl if husband has 2 sons from a previous marriage?

For each pregnancy, there is a 50 percent chance of a boy and a 50 percent chance of a girl baby. So to answer your question the odds are still 50:50.

What is the probability of giving birth to a baby girl?

You have a 1 in 2 chance of having a girl. No matter how many boys you have had in the past or how many girls you have had in the past, each pregnancy presents the opportunity to have a girl or a boy with a 50% chance. The sperm does not know that it had already produced ,say, 5 boys and needs to produce a girl for you and your partner. So with every pregnancy there is a 50% chance you will have a girl and a 50% chance you will have a boy.

Is woobat a girl or boy in Pokemon?

It can be either. It has a 50/50 chance of being a boy or a girl. Sources: Bulbapedia

Pokemon is ponyta a boy or a girl?

either, its a 50-50 chance

What are the chances having a boy or a girl?


The percent of having a boy or girl?


What is the chance of a couple having 4 daughters in a row?

Every time 2 people mate to produce an offspring, there is a 50/50 chance it will either be a boy or a girl. This can be explained using a Punnet Square. XX is a girl and XY is a boy. XX XY XX XY XX XY The chance of a mom having one girl is 50? or 1/2 The chance of her having a second girl is 1 in 4, or 25% The chance of her having 3 girls is 1 in 8, or 12.5% The chance of her having 4 girls in a row is 1 in 16, or 6.25% It is unlikely, but certainly possible.

What percentage of human sper cells carry an X chromosome?

50% that's why there is an equal chance of having a girl or boy child