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  1. the large jump is caused because magnisium is such a powerful element that if it was combined in an explosive it have the power of an atomic bomb
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Q: Why is there a large jump between 10 and 11 ionization ehergies of magnisium?
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What happens when magnisium burns?

When magnesium burns, it reacts with oxygen in the air to form magnesium oxide and produces a bright white light. This is a highly exothermic reaction, releasing a large amount of heat and energy. The resulting magnesium oxide residue is a white powder.

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Is oxygen high ionization energy?

Yes, oxygen has a relatively high ionization energy because it requires a large amount of energy to remove an electron from an oxygen atom due to its stable electron configuration.

Which element has a low ionization energy?

Potassium has a low ionization energy due to its large atomic size and one electron in its outermost shell, making it easier to remove that electron.

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What is the lowest first ionization energy?

The lowest first ionization energy is found in francium, the element with the highest atomic number. Francium has the lowest ionization energy because the outermost electron is held the weakest due to the large atomic size and shielding effects.

Based on the periodic table which element would be expected to have the lowest ionization energy?

Francium would be expected to have the lowest ionization energy, as it is located in the alkali metal group at the bottom left of the periodic table. Alkali metals typically have the lowest ionization energies due to their large atomic size and low effective nuclear charge.

How are charges developed in the Large Hadron Collider?

Like most high energy accelerators, the LHC begins the ionization process with Cockcroft-Walton Generators.

What are Conditions favorable to form ionic bond?

Ionic bonds form between atoms with a large difference in electronegativity (generally between a metal and a nonmetal) because one atom will easily donate electrons to the other. Additionally, the atoms involved must have low ionization energy and high electron affinity to readily gain or lose electrons.

Low ionization energies are most characteristic of atoms that are?

Low ionization energies are typically characteristic of atoms that have large atomic size and few protons in their nucleus, such as alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. These atoms have loosely bound electrons that require less energy to remove.

What is the biggest element in the alkali family?

The biggest element in the alkali family is cesium. It has the largest atomic radius and is the most reactive alkali metal due to its large size and low ionization energy.

Why is there such a large jump in ionization enery between the second and third ionization energies for magnesium?

The jump in ionization energy between the second and third ionization energies for magnesium is due to the removal of an electron from a full electron shell. Removing an electron from a full shell requires significantly more energy as it disrupts the stable electron configuration of the atom.