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Because of the rotation of the earth and the tilt of 23.5 degrees of the earth.

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Q: Why is there continuous daylight or continuous darkness in the frigid zone?
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Related questions

What region is north of the Arctic Circle in the frigid zone?

The region north of the Arctic Circle is within the Arctic Circle region, which is part of the frigid zone. This area experiences extreme cold temperatures and is characterized by polar conditions with long periods of darkness in winter and continuous daylight in summer.

What are some jobs in the frigid zone?

There are no jobs in the frigid zone!

What animals live in Frigid zone?

The ox and the reindeer are both animals that live in the frigid zone. Also, the caribou is another animal that lives in the frigid zone.

How are human beings in frigid zone?

Frigid zone human life according to class 4th

Is Alaska in the frigid zone?

Yes, Iceland is in the frigid zone. Any place beyond the Arctic or Antarctic circles is in the frigid zone. Of course, Iceland is not above the Arctic Circle or below the Antarctic Circle so I can see where my answer might be confusing.

What are the seasons in the frigid zone?

The frigid zone experiences two main seasons: a long, cold winter with temperatures well below freezing for most of the year, and a short, cool summer with temperatures that can reach above freezing for a few weeks. These extreme conditions are due to the tilt of the Earth's axis away from the sun in these regions.

Frigid zone south of the equator?

The frigid zone south of the equator is known as the Antarctic Circle. It is characterized by extremely cold temperatures and the presence of the Antarctic ice sheet. The region experiences long periods of darkness in winter and constant daylight in summer due to its extreme polar conditions.

What zone does the robin live in?

robins live in frigid zone

Is Sydney in torrid temperate or frigid zone?

temperate zone

Do apples grow in frigid zone?


What are weather conditions in the polar zone?

Weather conditions in the polar zone are characterized by extreme cold temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds. Snow and ice cover most of the region, creating a harsh and barren landscape. The polar zone experiences long periods of darkness in winter and continuous daylight in summer due to the tilt of the Earth's axis.

Which continent lies completely within a polar zone?

Antarctica is the continent that lies completely within a polar zone. It is situated within the Antarctic Circle and experiences long periods of darkness in winter and continuous daylight in summer due to its extreme polar location.