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If you imagine the earth standing still with its axis tilted 23 deg. clockwise and the sun off to the right, regardless off the earths rotation, the north pole is always in the suns light, this is the longest day in the northern hemisphere.

If you move the sun over to the left, this represents the shortest day in the northern hemisphere, and the north pole is always in shadow.


The earths axis remains parallel in both positions due to gyroscopic influence of earths rotation.

If you place the sun directly behind the earth, that's one of the equinox positions, the other would be directly in front of the earth.

The time between longest and shortest day is 6 months, and the equinox are midway between longest and shortest day

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Q: Why is there daylight in North Pole 24 hours a day in summer and darkness 24 hours a day in winter?
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Why is the sun visible for so many hours of the day in Alaska?

Every place on Earth, when averaged out over a year, gets 6 months of daylight and 6 months of darkness. At the equator this daylight and darkness is spaced out in about 12 hour intervals (day and night). However, because of the tilt of the Earth's axis of spin, as one move towards the poles the length of night and day changes with the seasons until when you reach the poles, daylight lasts for 6 continual months and darkness lasts for 6 continual months. Alaska is near the North pole, so during summer the days are very long.

When do daylight hours start getting longer?

In the northern hemisphere, daylight hours start getting longer after the Winter Solstice, December 21. The daylight continues to legthen everydy until Summer Solstice, June 21. Then the reverse happens. The daylight gradually reduces until Winter Solstice arrives again.

How do you draw the Arctic Circle?

The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line on globes and charts at about 66.5°N latitude. Locations north of the Arctic Circle can experience at least one 24-hour period of "night" during the winter. At the North Pole, this becomes 6 months of daylight and 6 months of night. To "draw" the Arctic Circle, make a circle centered on the North Pole, about 2600 kilometers (1616 miles) in radius.

When are the hours of day light and darkness equal?

At the north and south poles . . . all the time Everywhere else . . . on the occasion of the equinoxes, March 21 and September 21.

What is the probability that it will go dark tonight?

It depends on where you are. During the summer in the Northern hemisphere, if you are North of the Arctic circle, the answer is 0.

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Why are there more or less hours of daylight or darkness during June and December in north America?

Due to the sun being further away in winter and closer in the summer

What does the area around the North Pole experience constant?

The area around the North Pole experiences constant cold temperatures and darkness during the winter months, as well as continuous daylight during the summer months due to the tilt of the Earth's axis.

Which latitudes experience the greatest annual change in daylight hours?

Latitudes near the poles experience the greatest annual change in daylight hours because they have polar day and polar night during the solstices. This means that they have periods of continuous daylight in summer and continuous darkness in winter.

What are the 4 seasons in north and south pole?

The North and South Poles only experience two seasons: a long, cold winter and a short, cool summer. The winter season is characterized by constant darkness while the summer season is characterized by constant daylight.

What is the lightest place on the earth?

if you mean countries with the most day light, then the far north in Canada experiences 22 hour s of daylight in the summer, also in the far north of Norway, by the same token these places also experience 20 hours of darkness in the winter.

How many hours of daylight per day in North Norway in January?

This depends on where you are in Norway. Usually, in the south, you'll have daylight from 5 in the morning to 11 in the evening during the summer. In the north you'll have daylight 24 hours a day. In the winter, you'll have something like 1 hour of daylight in the north and 5-6 hours of daylight in the south.

What region is north of the Arctic Circle in the frigid zone?

The region north of the Arctic Circle is within the Arctic Circle region, which is part of the frigid zone. This area experiences extreme cold temperatures and is characterized by polar conditions with long periods of darkness in winter and continuous daylight in summer.

Why does Antarctica get 24 hours daylight in December and 24 hours darkness in June?

Antarctica experiences 24 hours of daylight in December during the southern hemisphere's summer because of its location close to the South Pole and the tilt of Earth's axis. In contrast, Antarctica gets 24 hours of darkness in June during the southern hemisphere's winter for the same reasons, as the continent is tilted away from the sun.

Which season has the longest darkness hours?

Winter typically has the longest darkness hours due to the shorter daylight hours and longer nights. This is more pronounced the closer you get to the poles, where some areas may experience 24-hour darkness during the winter months.

Which part of your world experience day light with out no darkness for days?

The part of the world that experiences daylight without no darkness for days is the north pole. It is stated that the north pole stays in full sunlight all day long throughout the entire summer.

Why Some parts of Norway and Sweden and Finland have Twenty four hours of Sunshine during the summer and twenty four hours of darkness during the winter?

This phenomenon is known as the midnight sun and polar night, which occur in higher latitudes due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. As a result, during summer months the region experiences 24 hours of sunlight, while in winter it experiences 24 hours of darkness. The closer a location is to the North Pole, the longer the period of continuous daylight or darkness will be.

Why does Washington state have longer daylight than southern California when they are in the same time zone?

Washington state is located at a higher latitude than southern California, which means that during summer months it experiences longer daylight hours due to the Earth's tilt. This tilt causes the sun to rise and set at different angles, impacting the length of daylight in different regions, regardless of their position within a time zone.