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Unless if you are referring to calendar years, the number zero, decimal points, or other pieces of information that relies on 0 as a digit (e.g. phone numbers, ID numbers, or serial numbers), then most instances the number zero is omitted.

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Q: Why is there no 0 in Chinese numerals?
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Related questions

Who used Chinese numerals?

The Chinese.

How do you write 0 in Roman numerals?

There is no 0 in roman numerals.

What represented zero in ancient Chinese numerals?

There was no zero in ancient Chinese numerals. The ancient Chinese number system was not a positional system, so there was no need for a zero.

What is zero in Chinese numerals?

It is 零 or 〇.

What is the difference between Indian numerals and Arabic numerals?

indian numerals do not have zeor '0' digit, arabs invented 'zero' 0.

Does the number been used in Chinese?

Yes, Chinese people use the Arabic numerals, and Chinese has their own numbers writing in Chinese!

Which is the least repeated number numerals 0 to 99?

in this numerals 0 to 99 which is least repeat digit

Which year were the Chinese numeral invented?

Most Chinese numerals of later period were descendants from Shang dynasty oracle numerals of 14th century B.C. The oracle bone script numerals were found on tortoise shell and animal bones.

Which countries use Chinese rod numerals?

Taiwan and China do, although the usage there is diminishing in favour of Indian numerals (0123456789)

What does ivo mean in roman numerals?

Roman numerals don't have a 0 symbol and so it is an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals

What is the difference between Hindu-Arabic numerals and Roman numeral?

The difference between roman - numerals and hindu - arabic numerals is that the roman - numerals doesn't have zero 0

Why there is no 0 in roman numeral?

Because an 0 symbol is not needed in Roman numerals for positional place value purposes which is essential in Hindu-Arabic numerals