Try to make those fractions into decimals. Three fourths is 0.75 and two thirds is between 0.66 and 0.67
greater than
Two third is less than three fourth.
It is less than. You see if its not one whole than its less than one.
An (uncountable) infinitude of numbers, including two thirds, seven tenths, and pi fifths.
yes three fourths is greater than one half
greater than
Two third is less than three fourth.
Three fourths is greater than two thirds.
three fourths is the same as 9 over 12 two thirds is the same as 8 0ver 12 9 over 12 is greater than 8 over 12
Yes 3/4 = .750 2/3 = .667
Well, let's see:-- Two thirds of 120 is 80.(We can tell right away that the answer will be 'no', becauseno fraction of 80 is going to be greater than 80. But let'scrank through the rest of it anyway.)-- Three fourths of 80 is 60.-- 60 is NOT greater than 80.-- The answer is: No .
It is less than. You see if its not one whole than its less than one.
An (uncountable) infinitude of numbers, including two thirds, seven tenths, and pi fifths.
yes three fourths is greater than one half
Three fourths is more than two thirds.
Three-fourths is bigger than two-thirds. Visualize a clock; forty-five minutes after (3/4) is further than forty minutes after (2/3).
Two thirds refers to 66.67% of something whereas Three fourths refers to 75% of something. Ex: two thirds of 100 dollars is 66.67 dollars whereas three fourths of 100 dollars is 75 dollars. Hence - Yes two thirds is definitely less than three fourths. Francine- YES 2 is more than three