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Because usually position is a function of time rather than the other way around. Changes in time result in changes in location. Changes in location do not cause changes in time.

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Q: Why is time an independent variable in a position vs time graph?
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Why time is an independent variable and positition a dependent variable in a position versus time graph?

In a position versus time graph, time is typically considered the independent variable because it is controlled by the experimenter and is used to measure the dependent variable, which is position. The position of an object (dependent variable) changes over time (independent variable), and thus position is plotted against time to show how it varies based on the passage of time.

Explain Why is time an independent variable and position is a dependent variable in a position versus time graph?

Time is typically considered an independent variable because it is under the control of the experimenter and is used to measure the changes in the dependent variable, which is position in this case. Position, on the other hand, is dependent on time as it varies based on the specific time interval being measured. Position changes as time progresses, making it the dependent variable in this context.

On a distance time graph distance is usually what variable?


What is on the horizontal axis of a speed graph?

The independent variable, in this case time, is on the horizontal axis of a speed graph.

What information can be learned from a position-time graph and from a speed-time graph?

A position time graph can show you velocity. As time changes, so does position, and the velocity of the object can be determined. For a speed time graph, you can derive acceleration. As time changes, so does velocity, and the acceleration of the object can be determined.If you are plotting velocity (speed) versus time, the slope is the acceleration.

On a distance time graph time is usually the what variable?

On a distance vs. time graph, time is usually the independent variable presented on the X axis in the Cartesian Coordinate System. The dependent variable would be distance, and would be presented on the Y axis.

In position vs. time graph what variable does slope represent?

The slope of a line on a position vs. time graph would represent the a velocity of the object being described.

Where are the dependent and independent variables located on a graph explain with example?

The independent variable (such as time) is places on the x-axis of a graph. Always place the things that will never change on the x-axis. The dependent variable is then placed on the y-axis. The difference between the independent and dependent variable is that the independent variable in an experient does not change it is what stays constent, it is what is used to measure the dependent variable. On the other hand the dependent variable is what the experiment is testing for and what depends on the independent variable.

How is the independent variable related to the dependent variable?

The independent variable is the (x) axis or horizontal part of a graph. The dependant is the vertical (y) axis. The independent variable can change but the dependant can't, such as x=nightly sleep time and y=hours in 1 day.

Where is t-axis on a graph?

Time is nearly always the independent variable, which are normally plotted on the horizontal axis.

Where do you place the manipulated independent variable on a line graph?

When displaying a manipulated independent variable on a line graph, you usually place it along the x-axis (horizontal axis). This allows you to show the relationship between this variable and the dependent variable plotted on the y-axis (vertical axis) over time or another continuum.

What is on the horizontal line of a speed-time graph?

The horizontal axis is for the independent variable, which is time. Time is always placed on the horizontal, or x-axis.