i think its just your teacher, coz mine DEFINATELY hates tuesdays.
maybe he/she has something on tuesdays that they really enjoy...lol ;)
it is the second day of the school year
they get 2 yell at kids all day lol!
Teach math to kids, and make up quiz and tests.
Math helps you determine speed, helps you calculate how much food to get, helps you make a recipe, lets you know how much you weigh. It tells you how much money you have, how much money you make in a job, what size clothes you wear, and when your favorite show is on. It lets you cook properly, tells you how much taxes to pay, and what time of the year it is. Math is a little important.
general math problems are problems yo see almost every day.
I am a maths teacher and Tuesday is certainly not my favourite day. Could it be because they cannot spell Tuesday? No, because I can.
It sounds two-sday. thats y math teachers like tuesday
tueday the 9 of octber
It is the only day that was named after a number
it is the second day of the school year
they get 2 yell at kids all day lol!
math, reading and ELA
Everyone uses math every day. Architects use math to make sure that their building designs are stable. Teachers use math to count the number of students in the class. Salesmen use math to figure out their profits.
60 days after Tueday, July 6, 2010 = Saturday, September 4, 2010.
Sundays. Most return to work on a Monday. Flights are often cheaper Tueday to Thursday, less traffic.