

Why is vertabral column curved?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Why is vertabral column curved?
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The inner curved side faces the spine (the bit where all the tubes come out).

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It is stronger than it would be if the spine/vertebral column were straight.Allows for distribution of weight and flexibility of movement.

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A pilaster is a column like projection that is still attached to a wall. A Corinthian pilaster is one in the Corinthian style or order, which is a style of Ancient Greek column which has a large capital (top) in a shape like an inverted bell that features acanthus leaves, and above these four equally spaced scrolls, palm leaves or lotus leaves. The column is relatively slender and has vertical curved grooves with flat bands between them. The column has a base that is visually a circular platform simply decorated by an ogee like curved profile.

What is corinthian?

A Corinthian is either: * a person or thing from the city of Corinth; or * a style of Ancient Greek column which has a large capital (top) in a shape like an inverted bell that features acanthus leaves, and above these four equally spaced scrolls, palm leaves or lotus leaves. The column is relatively slender and has vertical curved grooves with flat bands between them. The column has a base that is visually a circular platform simply decorated by an ogee like curved profile.

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A sandskrit word shakra means wheel in the mystycal physiology of yoga shakras are at the wheels center or knots of psychic forces situated all along the vertabral column and in parts of the body such as the head chest and the groin area their function is to maintain the communication between the cosmos and the and the person and are the salient points of the subtle body

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Cervical Vertebra - Typical

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It means the tilting of the spine column curved to the right or left side from the normal 90 degrees or perpendicular upright position by 11%.

What does corinthians mean?

There was a place called Corinth and the people were called Corinthians, Paul wrote two letters to these people in Corinth. A Corinthian is either: * a person or thing from the city of Corinth; or * a style of Ancient Greek column which has a large capital (top) in a shape like an inverted bell that features acanthus leaves, and above these four equally spaced scrolls, palm leaves or lotus leaves. The column is relatively slender and has vertical curved grooves with flat bands between them. The column has a base that is visually a circular platform simply decorated by an ogee like curved profile.

What is a curved seam?

a curved seam is a seam that is curved