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Q: Why is your right wrist and your right leg swelling?
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Why is my right wrist smaller than my left and I'm right handed?

I just noticed my left wrist is larger than my right. I, too, am right handed, but this week I was bitten by a cat on my left wrist. After antibiotics the swelling has nearly disappeared, but I fear my wrist will be forever larger than my right.

What is the difference between leg spin and off spin?

Leg spin will spin away from a right hander where off spin will go into a right hander.

What can you do for leg swelling?

You can put ice or heat on your leg, this will help with your swelling.

Is the wrist proximal to the leg?

The wrist and the leg are on different limbs; therefore, you can't describe their relative position with the terms "proximal" and "distal." The wrist is superior and lateral to the leg.

What to do for swelling in your leg?

put ice on your leg when it swelling up really bad.

What condition causes a tender spot on outer leg just below know on right leg with swelling down to foot?

could be cellulitus, or a blood clot in the leg

You have swelling of veins in your right leg groin reason for it and its remedy?

I would just smile and be grateful

Why would your right leg swell?

Swelling can be caused by a blood clot, best to go to the doc...

Should leg be elevated for swelling of a snake bite?

should the leg be elevated for swelling from snake biting

What is a swelling on the outer surface of the wrist?

ganglion cyst

A DVT in 1987 and has caused leg swelling and leg ulcers due to swelling of the leg Are there any ways to restore the venous leg circulation through surgical procedures?

if you go to a hospital

What is the fluid-filled swelling of the wrist called?

ganglion cyst