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Zero is a natural number.

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Q: Why is zero a whole number and not a natural number?
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Is Every whole number is a natural number number?

No its not, zero is a whole number but its not natural!!! :)

Is zero a natural number or a whole number?

Zero is both.

How are natural an whole numbers different?

Negative integers are whole numbers but not natural numbers. Mathematicians are undecided about zero. It is a whole number: some believe zero is a natural number, others do not.

What is the difference between a whole number and natural number?

A whole number series starts from zero with 1 digit difference, but a natural number series starts from 1 with 1 digit difference. for eg.- 5 is a natural number as well as a whole number. But zero is just a whole number and not a natural number.

What is a natural number that is not a whole number?

There is some disagreement as to whether zero, a whole number, is a natural number.

What is a whole number that's not a natural number?

zero (0)

Is a whole number a natural number?

There is some disagreement as to whether zero, a whole number, belongs to the set of natural numbers.

What is the only whole number that is not a natural or counting number?

Zero, by the traditional definition of natural numbers.

Is 1.2112111211112111112 a natural number?

Any number that has non-zero digits after the decimal point is NOT a natural number.

Is -9 a natural number?

9 is a natural number, as is any whole number greater than zero.

Every natural numbers is a whole numbers?

Yes, the set of whole number is all of the natural numbers, plus zero.

What are even natural numbers?

even, whole, non-negative numbers. (zero is not a natural number)