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Because it does

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Q: Why is zero raised to zero an indeterminate form?
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It's indeterminate.

Why infinity infinity is not indeterminate form?

It IS indeterminate.

Why is it not possible to divide by zero?

Their is no # that can be multiplied into 0 other than its self, therfore it is no defined value and is called an indeterminate form.

What is the value of zero times infinity?

Zero times infinity is defined as "indeterminate".

What is zero to the fifth power over zero to the fifth power?

Zero to the fifth power is zero. Zero divided by zero is indeterminate.

What is zero to the zero power?

See my related link posts. There's some good information there. This is what's called an indeterminate form. There is some consensus that maybe it should be equal to 1, but only in some situations. Depending on the functions that get you into the situation of zero to the zero power, you can get different results, just like functions that arrive at zero divide by zero. Think of the graph y = x^0 (the carat means raise to the power of). Since anything raised to power of zero equals 1, then you have the line y=1, but now take the graph y = 0^x. So zero to any number equals zero, so the line is y=0. But zero to the zero should come up with the same answer, regardless of what functions got you there. That's why it is indeterminate.

Why is division by zero said to be indeterminate or undefined?

because you can't divide a number by zero. it's impossible (you can't take 7 marbles and divide them into 0 groups), so the answer cannot be determined (indeterminate).

What is pi divided by zero?

Dividing any number by zero is undefined in mathematics, including dividing pi by zero. This is because division by zero leads to a mathematical contradiction and is not a valid operation. In mathematical terms, it results in an indeterminate form, which does not have a meaningful numerical value. Therefore, pi divided by zero is undefined.

What is the 1 to the power of 0?

10 is 1.Any number (other than zero itself) raised to the power of 0 will equal 1.(For the record, 00 is indeterminate: it can be either zero or one.)

Why is there an inconsistency between zero raised to the power of zero?

The inconsistency is the following:Any number raised to the power zero is equal to one.Zero raised to any power is equal to zero.

What is 500000000 raised to the zero power?

Any number raised to the power of zero is just 1.

What is the value of non zero polynomial raised to zero in mathematics?

Anything (except zero) raised to the power zero is equal to one.