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It is possible.

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Q: Why isn't it possible for two lines to be noncoplanar?
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Two noncoplanar lines that do not intersect?

skew lines

What are the two noncoplanar lines that do not intersect?


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Two noncoplanar liner that do not intersect?

They are skew line. Skew line are two lines that do not intersect but are not parallel.Another definition is skew lines are straight lines that are not in the same plane and do not intersect.Either way, skew lines are the answer to your question since they are noncoplanar and do not intersect.

What does noncoplanar mean?

Noncoplanar is a term in geometry referring two or more figures, lines, or points that do not all lie in the same plane.

Are any two noncoplanar lines skew?

I guess they are. If they're parallel or intersecting, then they're coplanar.

Are two noncoplanar lines that are perpendicular to the same line parallel to each other Sometimes always or never please?


How is it possible for two rays to be parallel to each other?

it isnt

What are noncoplanar points?

Noncoplanar points are points that do not lie on the same plane. If you have two rectangles joined together at points CD, then the rectangle at points ABCD have coplanar points but the points EF are not coplanar, that is, they do not lie on the plane defined by ABCD. On the other hand, the points CDEF are coplanar points but points AB are noncoplanar points. Dr Grips

Is it possible for two straight lines to have exactly two points of intersection?


What are the possible intersections of more than two lines?

For n lines there are n*(n-1)/2 possible intersection points.

What do noncoplanar lines look like?

Two lines, in 3-dimensional space must either intersect, be parallel or be skew. In the first two cases, they are coplanar which leaves skew lines.One way to "see" what they look like is to imagine you are standing in a cuboid room. Consider the edge where the walls on your left and the one facing you meet. Next, consider any non-vertical line of the wall to your right. [A vertical line will be parallel to the first]. These two lines will be skew. They are not parallel and also they never intersect.