288 divided by 2 = 144.
96 weeks divided by 4 weeks (equal to one month) is a total of 24 months.
This is just an arbitrary convention, based perhaps on the fact that each 'even' number can be divided into equal portions. The 'odd' numbers are not curious in any manner other than they can be only be divided into equal groups of 'odd' numbers. e.g. 15 may be divided into 5 groups of 3. BUT 7 cannot be divided into an equal number of groups.
1313.00 dollars divided into 12 months equal = 109.41666666666667
According to the Gregorian calendar, 12 months = 1 year
288 divided by 2 = 144.
There are multiple answers for the question "what two numbers equal 160 when divided?". 160 divided by one equals 160. 320 divided by 2 equals 160. Any multiple of 160 divided by said multiple would equal 160.
If 1 year is equal to 12 months, then 300 divided by 12 is equal to 25 years.
No two numbers that can be completely written down with digits can be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided to equal PI. If they could be divided to equal PI, then PI would be a rational number. But it isn't.
96 weeks divided by 4 weeks (equal to one month) is a total of 24 months.
No. Even numbers are numbers that can be divided by 2 and equal a whole number. 1.45 divided by 2 is 0.725.
They can be: 210/2 = 105
no, even numbers can be divided by two to leave two equal numbers