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Because,if the other parts of potato,it will not grow faSter.

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Q: Why it is better to plant the cut pieces with the eye pointing upward?
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Why is it better to plant the cut pieces with the eye pointing upward?

to make it easier to grow

Why is it better to plant cut pieces of potato with the eye pointing upward?

becausa the "eyes" of an potatoes are buds that grows a new plant

Can you give a reason why you have to plant the cut pieces with POTRATO eye pointinG upward?

Yes, so that the new shoots can just go upward without having been faced down. Less work for the potato babies.

Why you have to plant the cut pieces with the eye pointing of potato?


Why you have to plant the cut pieces with eye pointing upward?

The stalk of the new potato grows from the eye, and it has to grow upward in order to reach the sunlight. If you planted it with the eye facing down, it would only have to curve around in order to grow upward, and that would be a pointless inefficiency.

How would the growth of a plant be affected if it were lying on its side?

If a plant is lying on its side, its growth may be affected as its stems and leaves will grow towards the light source, leading to a phenomenon called phototropism. In this case, the plant may exhibit gravitropism as well, curving its stems and roots to grow vertically. However, the overall growth and health of the plant may be compromised due to the lack of stability and support provided by the soil and the challenges in absorbing nutrients and water efficiently.

If a plant is tipped on its side the shoots will likely?

If a plant is tipped on its side, the shoot will still grow upward.

How is water carried upward from the roots to every part in the plant?


What causes a plant to grow upward?

Plants grow upward in response to environmental factors such as light, gravity, and competition for resources. Phototropism, the plant's growth towards light, allows it to maximize photosynthesis. Geotropism helps roots grow downward and shoots grow upward to find nutrients and light. Hormones like auxins also play a role in promoting upward growth.

Do you plant a tulip pointed side down or up?

Plant it with the narrow end upward. That's where the new shoot will emerge.

What happens to a plant which was grown horizontal?

Ultimately the shoot grows upward and the root downward

Explain how plants or plant parts grow toward light or grow upward?
