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Q: Why it is difficult to lift a bigger stone than a smaller one?
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Why it is difficult to lift a large stone on the surface of the earth but easy to lift a smaller one?

Large stone has more mass compare to a small one. And mass is directly proportional to weight where 'g' is constant for every object on earth. As a result larger stone has more weight than that of smaller. That's why it is difficult to lift larger stone on the surface of the earth but easier to lift a smaller one.

Why is it heavier to lift a big rock than a small stone?

A big rock is heavier to lift than a small stone because it has more mass and thus more gravitational force acting on it. This makes it more difficult to overcome gravity when lifting the big rock compared to the smaller stone.

Is 100kg cotton difficult to lift than 100kg stone?

no since both weigh the same amount they will require the same amount of work and energy to lift so they would be equally difficult to lift.

Why it is easier to lift small stone than big stone?

It is easier to lift a small stone than a big stone because small stones typically weigh less and require less force to lift. Additionally, smaller stones are easier to grip and handle compared to larger stones, allowing for better leverage during lifting.

Do you get smaller by lifting weights?

It depends on your weight and fitness level. For example, you may become smaller by losing fat around the muscles that you are losing to lift weights. But if you are already thin, depending on how much you lift, you muscle tone will either stay the same, or your muscles will get bigger.

What is a synonym for can't?

Unable is a synonym for can't or can not. Example: "I am unable to lift the stone." is the same as "I can't lift the stone."

Why it is easierto lift a heavy stone under water than in air?

It is easier to lift a heavy stone under water because the water provides buoyant force that counters the weight of the stone. This buoyant force reduces the effective weight of the stone when submerged in water, making it easier to lift. In air, there is no buoyant force to counteract the weight of the stone, so it feels heavier to lift.

Is a liquid difficult to compress or force into a smaller space?

Yes, liquids are hard to compress. That's what makes hydraulics so useful when it comes to the transfer of force. Hydraulics can lift thousands of pounds with minimal effort.

How do you get bigger arm muscles?

Lift weights with them

Who has to lift a stone to get shoes and a sword?


Who had to lift a stone to get shoes and a sword?


Why LPG gas cylinder weighing 14.2kg is difficult to lift than a girl weighing 50kg?

The weight distribution in an LPG gas cylinder is concentrated in a smaller area, making it feel heavier to lift compared to a person whose weight is distributed over a larger surface area. Additionally, the shape and design of the gas cylinder make it more awkward to lift compared to lifting a person.