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Q: Why it is important to identify different colony shapes sizes and edges?
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Why is important to be able to identify different colony shapes sizes edges etc?

It is important to be able to identify different colony shapes, sizes, and edges is a way to learn and identify the name of the bacteria. A selective medium is a nutritional for bacteria to grow while inhibiting other bacteria growth.

How do people use shapes in there daily life?

shapes are used in our daily, we can identify different shapes

How do you identify different fighter jets?

By their profile shapes.

Why plants have different shapes and sizes of leaves?

to identify it quicklycause if all plantshave the sameleaves it will hard forthe people to identify it...

What is a flat form of a solid shape?

Identify shapes of common objects. Identify faces, vertices, and edges of solid shapes; sort solid objects by faces, edges, and vertices. Relate solid shapes and plane shapes. Identify and count vertices and sides of shapes. Use shapes, such as pattern blocks, to make new shapes. Identify the movement of a shape as a slide, flip, or turn. Recognize and draw congruent figures

Why are shapes important?

Shapes are important because they help to define and identify objects, provide structure and form in design, aid in understanding and organizing information, and play a key role in art, mathematics, and other disciplines. They are fundamental elements that contribute to visual perception and communication.

How do you identify shapes using image processing?

3D get it!

Why are shapes and sizes of cell different?

Cells are different shapes and sizes because they have different functions. The functions dictate the shapes and sizes.

How are areas of regular shapes calculated?

There are different formulae for different shapes.

What is two shapes that are different sizes called?

If they are the same shapes but differ only in size, then they are SIMILAR shapes. Otherwise, they are simply different shapes.

Identify 3 different shapes of PPF?

A Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) is a curved bowed out from the origin. It is mostly 2 dimensional and involving 2 goods or services.

Why clouds forms different shapes?

Clouds form different shapes due to various factors such as temperature, humidity, and air currents. The shape of a cloud can be influenced by the air's movement as it rises and cools, causing the water vapor to condense and form different patterns. Different cloud types also have characteristic shapes based on their formation processes and atmospheric conditions.