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Q: Why it would not be appropriate to use data range values of 1 unit?
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What scale would be appropriate to make a graph of the data?

It depends on the domain and codomain (range) of he data.

How does the outlier affect the range of a data set?

Range subtracts the lowest value from the value in your data set. If you have an outlier, meaning a number either obviously outside the data, your range will be incorrect because one of the values will not represent the average pattern of the data. For example: if your data values include 1,2,3,4,and 17, 17 would be the outlier. The range would be 16 which is not truly representative of the rest of the data.

What is range data?

Data Range is the values of the data from the minimum to the maximum that you are sampling.For plotting purposes(such as in EXCEL spreadsheet), it is the minimum and Maximum range of the values of X-Axis and Y-Axis.

What does data range mean?

Data Range is the values of the data from the minimum to the maximum that you are sampling. For plotting purposes(such as in EXCEL spreadsheet), it is the minimum and Maximum range of the values of X-Axis and Y-Axis.

What is range of data?

the difference between the highest and the lowest values in a set of data

What is the term in statistics for the difference between the smallest and largest values in the data set?

RangeThe term for the difference between the smallest and the largest values in a set of data is called the range. It is probably derived from the idea that the values of the numbers in the data could range anywhere from the lowest to the highest values but not beyond. The range is a measure of how disperse (spread out) the values are but it is not a very powerful measure.

When we use a least-squares line to predict y values for x values beyond the range of x values found in the data are we extrapolating or interpolating?

If you're estimating a point OUTSIDE the data range, it's extrapolating. If you're estimating a point WITHIN the data range, it's interpolating.

What is an appropriate scale and interval for a data set in a table?

The answer will depend on the data values: there is no rule that fits all situations.

What values must be considered when creating scale for each axis?

The range of values in the data to be plotted.

What is the rang of the data?

the difference between the highest and the lowest values in a set of data

Find the range of the set of numbers?

Find the minimum and maximum values from the given data. Then range is the difference between maximum and minimum values.

What does range tell you about the data set?

Range tells you the interval in which the f(x) values are found.