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Q: Why law of variable proportion applies to mathematics?
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Does law of variable proportion apply only in agriculture?

No. It also applies to mathematics in general.

How do you explain the law of variable proportion?

Explain the Law of Variable Propotion

What is Definition of law of variable proportion?

The law of variable proportion is basically a study of production functions. The factors used include fixed and variable factors.

What cause the application of law of variable proportion?

Causes of law of variable proportions

What is Table and diagram of law of variable proportion?

it elasticity

Law of variable proportion and law of returns to scale?

Under Law of variable proportion: only one variable input varies all other variable kept constant. Under Law of Return to Scale: All the variable inputs varies except the enterprise. Law of variable proportion is for short period; law of return to scale is for long period. Law of variable proportion shows the relationship if one variable input increase (eg: Labour) by keeping all other variable constant; total product and marginal product increase upto a certain point after that it will increase at a diminishing rate. it shows in three stage first increase then constant and then decrease. Law of return to scale shows the relationship between inputs and output at three different stages: 1. output increase more than inputs, 2. output and input are constant, 3. output is less than proportionate input.

What are the Limitations to the law of variable proportion?

Vrry smpl.all d assumption r limitation.

Explain the law of variable proportions with suitable diagram?

in the process of production, in short run where producer changes few factors of production , i.e; varies the proportion between fixed factors and variable factors then production changes by three ways -at first production increases rapidly - at second production increases slowly - at third production decreases. the analysis of these procedures is known as law of variable proportion.

What does law of constant composition applies to?

The law of constant composition applies to chemical compounds, stating that a compound is always made up of the same elements in the same proportion by mass. This means that the ratio of elements in a compound is fixed and does not change regardless of the source or method of preparation.

What are the limitations of law of reciprocal proportion?

The law of reciprocal proportions doesn't account for all chemical reactions, as it specifically applies to binary compounds with fixed ratios of elements. It also doesn't consider the possibility of isotope variations or complex stoichiometries involving more than two elements. Additionally, the law may not be applicable to reactions involving ions or compounds with variable oxidation states.

How does the law of variable proportion affect the cost curve?

The law of variable proportion states that as one input is increased while keeping other inputs constant, the output will eventually decrease. This can lead to changes in the cost curve by affecting the cost of production as more or less of a variable input is used, impacting both marginal and average cost.

What is the difference between law of return to variable proportion and law or return to scale?

There is a big difference between both the laws.The basi difference between them is that i dont know 1st but i know the 2nd one