It's not just laymen. Many experts express doubts in the manner in which certain statistics are developed or presented.
The most likely cause for biased statistics is the person or organization has a self interest in obtaining certain results. The manner in which subjective statistics are developed may include:
a) Excluding some information. For example, a survey of 1,000 people shows a slight preference to brand A over brand B, but if we just take the first two days of the survey, Brand B is better, so if our company produces brand B, we take the first two days.
b) Unfair comparisons. For example, I want to show that my new fertilizer is better than all others. I fertilize my corn plant with brand A which is specially prepared for vegetables, and in the comparison plot, I use brand B, which is for lawns. I can claim that my product beat out the most commonly used fertilizer.
c) Unrealistic Assumptions. See attached link. Scientists conducted a study of Florida panthers and concluded that the restricted area was not a problem. However, they only considered day time activity, while it is a well known fact, that panthers are more active at night.
d) Surveys with loaded questions: For example, the question, Given that 40% of all accidents are alcohol related and laws are not being enforced for lack of manpower, do you think we need more policemen? Question is put in a fashion to steer respondent in one direction.
e) Biased presentations= Many examples are available. In fact there's a book on how to lie with graphs.
Laypeople may have a distrust of statistics due to various reasons. One possibility is the complexity and technicality involved in statistical analysis and interpretation that may be difficult for them to understand. Additionally, the misuse or misrepresentation of statistics by media or certain individuals can contribute to skepticism. Finally, people may have personal biases or preconceived notions that make them skeptical of statistical data.
Two syllables in distrust (dis-trust)
There are two types of statistics. One is called descriptive statistics and the other is inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics is when you use numbers. Inferential statistics is when you draw conclusions or make predictions.
Psychological statistics is the application of statistics to psychology.
The statistics (pl.) indicate that statistics (sing.) is a pseudo-science.
It is a general belief that "statistics can prove anything." This statement is partly true and false. It is false because mere statistics should not be taken for granted without proper verification. It is true because statistics is often used by unscrupulous people to achieve their personal ends. This results in loss of faith or confidence on statistics or in causing distrust of statistics. Distrust of statistics literally means lack of trust in statistical data, statistical analysis and the conclusions derived from it. We often hear statements like. (i). Statistics is an unreliable science (ii). Statistics are lies of the first order. (iii). There are three type of lies-lies, damned lies and statistics. (iv). Figures do not lie, liars figure. These are expressions of distrust in statistics. These views of statistics stem from the misuse of statistics by the interested parties.Publicity, advertisers of various products, Governments and other organizations are trying to promote their sectional interest using statistics and statistical methods. This causes distrust of statistics. Some of the important reasons of distrust in statistics are the following: (a) Facts based on figures are more convincing. But these figures can be manipulated according to one's wishes. This misguides public causing distrust in statistics. (b) Sometimes statistical analyses are misinterpreted causing distrust in statistics. Supposing the mortality rates of patients are more in Indian hospitals. From this one may wrongly conclude that it is safer to treat the patients at home. This type of misinterpretation also causes distrust in statistics. Statistics are useful tools. One uses them according to his knowledge and experience. Use of statistics makes a statement more convincing. But its misuse causes distrust. So it is necessary that people should be adequately prepared to know the reality or to shift the truth from untruth, good statistics from bad statistics. WI. King has rightly observed "statistics are like clay of which you can make a 'God' or a 'Devil' as you please."
Laymen did what their Lords told them.
Laymen's Home Missionary Movement was created in 1919.
That is the correct spelling of the plural noun "laymen" (non-professionals, or non-clergy).
And Distrust It was created in 1995.
You spelled it correctly: distrust.
of Layman
No, the word "laymen" is not in the Bible. This is an English word referring to persons who are Christians, but not ordained as clergy.
I distrust the government.
A Healthy Distrust was created in 2004.
ICT is very important to a laymen because it will develop them on their computing skills and make them connected to global services.
She looked at him with distrust, unsure if she could believe his words.