

Why light speed is limited?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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12y ago

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The ultimate answer is that, in our Universe, it just is. There's no reason it HAS to be that way, but it just is -- whether we like it or not.

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Q: Why light speed is limited?
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The speed of light is not limited in a vacuum - the speed of light is fastest in a vacuum. But that is what Einstein called the "Cosmic Speed Limit" - nothing can move faster than the speed of light in a vacuum, or even quite asfast.

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the far away galaxies may be moving faster than the speed of light already. In general relativity theory, expansion of space is not limited to the speed of light as it is in special relativity

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Light travels faster than rockets. The speed of light is the fastest known speed in the universe, traveling at about 186,282 miles per second in a vacuum. Rockets can travel at high speeds, but they are limited by the laws of physics and cannot exceed the speed of light.

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I am not entirely sure what you mean with "unlimited speed". You CAN'T travel at unlimited speed; in theory, the speed is limited by the speed of light, and in practice, the engineering challenges are currently such that the actual speed you can achieve is much, much less than that.

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An optical fibre connection is theoretically the fastest. It is limited only by the speed of light. In practise though, the maximum speed is limited by the processing speed of the routers (or computers) at each end of the fibre. Broadly speaking, optical fibre is faster than cable or DSL.

Is it the speed of light or light speed?

Is what the speed of light or light speed.ANSWER300,000 km/s

Is space expanding faster than the speed of light?

Yes, the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. This expansion is a property of spacetime itself and does not violate the speed limit of light set by Einstein's theory of relativity. Objects within the universe, however, are still limited by the speed of light as they move through spacetime.

Is it light speed or the speed of light?

speed of light I think well it sounds right:)