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Q: Why magnetic length is taken as 2L?
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If a rectangle has a perameter of 52cm and width of 12cm what is the length?

Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 x length + 2 x width. 52 = 2l + 2 x 12 = 2l + 24 (Where l is the length) 2l = 52 - 24 = 28 length = 28/2 = 14 cm

What is the formula for perimeter of a rectangle?

For a rectangle, P = 2L + 2W (L is length, W is width)

Rectangular room has width twice of its length When 6 is decreased from both length and width then its area is differed by 108 so find the width?

The width of the room is equal to twice the Length. Suppose Length = L, width = W, and A = areaW = 2L from the information in the questionNow we know area, A is equal to length times widthW*L=A, plug in 2L for W and we get 2L*L=A or 2L^2=ANext, we see that when 6 is subtracted from both length and width A becomes 108 less.So (2L-6)*(L-6)=A-108Multiply (2L-6)*(L-6) out and the result is (2L^2-18L+36) Set that equal to A-108(2L^2-18L+36)=A-108. We found out that A=2L^2 earlier so we can substitute the terms.(2L^2-18L+36)=2L^2-108. Now solve for LSubtract 2L^2 from both sides(-18L+36)=(-108)Subtract 36 from both sides(-18L)=(-144)Divide by (-18)L=8We know W=2L so W=16Now lets test our answer.16*8=128(16-6)*(8-6)=10*2=20128-20=108So the answer of L=8 and W=16 is correct.

How do you find the length and width of rectangle when given the perimeter but not the width or length?

by appying 2l+2w

A rectangle has a perimeter of 52 cm and a width of 12 cm What is the length?

P=2(w)+2(l) 52=2(12)+2(l) 52=24+2l 52-24=2l 28=2l 14=l The length is 14 cm.

How do you find the area and the width when you know the perimeter and the length?

Divide the perimeter by 2 and subtract the length to get the width. Multiply the length by the width to get the area. P=2L+2W P-2L=2W (P/2)-L=W A=LW

Relationship between period and length of a pendulum?


What is the formula to find out the perimater of a shape?

2l + 2w or length+width

Formula of rectangle?

Area=length x width Perimeter= 2l+2w

The perimeter of a rectangle is 90 cm. If the length is one and one-half times the width Find the length and the width?

Suppose the length is L cm. Then the width, W, is 2L/3 cm. Perimeter = 2(L+W) = 2(L+2L/3) = 10L/3 = 90 cm So L = 27 cm and W = 2L/3 = 18 cm.

How do you write an equation when the perimeter and width are known but the length is needed?

P = perimeter, W = width, L = length P = 2(W + L) = 2W + 2L 2L = P - 2W L = P/2 - W

The perimeter of a rectangle is 150cm it's width is 30 what is the length?

The perimeter of a rectangle is 2 x (length(L) + width). 150 = 2(L + 30) = 2L + 60 2L = 150 - 60 = 90 L = 45