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Q: Why manufacturers are constantly tempted to move from exclusive distribution or selective distribution to more intensive distribution?
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List and describe three degrees of market coverage?

intensive distribution, exclusive distribution, and selective distribution.

The three strategic options of distribution intensity are?

intensive, exclusive and selective

What is the difference between intensive distribution and exclusive distribution?

the different intensive is when you sell your product all over the stores that sell the smiler prduct to yous.

Is L'Oreal 's distribution intensive selective or exclusive?

it's selective by corners in stores such as bergdorf, and exclusive in the official retail stores!

How can such a producer justify competing with its own middlemen?

Which types of retail outlets are best suited to intensive distribution? To selective distribution? To exclusive distribution? Explain your answer in each case.

What is intensive selective and exclusive dsitribution?

Intensive distribution involves placing a product in as many outlets as possible. Selective distribution involves selling a product through a limited number of outlets. Exclusive distribution involves granting exclusive rights to sell a product to one or a limited number of resellers.

When would it be beneficial to use exclusive distribution rather than intensive distribution?

when you multiply it by 2, then you get the wrong answer then you just go play black ops 2

Intensive vs exclusive vs selective distribution?

selective refers to few selected retail customers in a territory to sell products. exclusive refers to selling product to a specific stores. intensive refers to place products in an many outlets as possible.

Is apple's company distribution exclusive selective or intensive?

Selective. There are a few apple retail stores covering a specific geographical area.

When to use Intensive vs selective vs exclusive distribution?

It provides maximum coverage of the market by using all available outlets.