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It is not a variable.

The equation says that the energy contained in any given mass is equivalent to the mass times the velocity of light squared.

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Q: Why mass is variable in E mc 2?
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What is the opposite of E equals mc 2?

The opposite of E=mc^2 would be the statement that energy is not equal to mass times the speed of light squared.

Gave us the relation between mass and the energy contained in that mass?


What is the formula of a speed to mass to energy?

The formula that relates speed to mass to energy is E=mc^2, where E represents energy, m represents mass, and c is the speed of light in a vacuum. This formula, proposed by Albert Einstein, explains the equivalence of mass and energy.

Can the theory of relativity E equals MC2 help us with faster space travel?

The theory of relativity can help you but not with the equation E=mc^2 E=mc^2 is just a conversion between mass and energy.

What does the E equals MC squared mean?

Einstein figured out this formula: Energy equal mass * 89,875,517,800,000,000 mtr²/sec²

What does E-mc mean?

The equation E=mc^2 represents Einstein's theory of relativity, where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light. It shows that mass and energy are interchangeable, and a small amount of mass can be converted into a significant amount of energy.

What is the significance of Einsteins famous equation e mc2?

E=mc^2 states that mass and energy are interchangeable, and that a little bit of mass creates a lot of energy.

What does Einstein's equation imply about mass and energy?

E=mc^2 states that mass and energy are interchangeable, and that a little bit of mass creates a lot of energy.

What did einstine formula E equals MC squared stand for?

E = mc^2 is Einstein's famous formula from his theory of relativity, which states that energy (E) is equal to mass (m) times the speed of light (c) squared. This formula shows the equivalence of mass and energy, indicating that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa.

What does the m mean in Albert Einstein's formula E mc2?

E = mC^2 is Energy = Mass X (Speed of Light,squared)