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your brain enjoys learning something new if your intrested in something you pay more attention in it and there fore find it intresting :)

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Q: Why maths is interesting subject?
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Maths is a very interesting subject.

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Can you tell any interesting maths model?

the interesting maths model is trigonometry and geometry

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is maths a compulosry subject in bms

How do you say interesting math in french?

"interesting maths" are "des math intéressants" in French.

Why did Fibonacci find his sequence so interesting?

Fibonacci found it interesting because he loved maths

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first of all, the reason you may not like math is because you are not very smart, reason being that you dont even know how to spell interesting. Oh, and learn how to use proper english, we are in America

Can you change maths for any other subject in hsc?

No Its not possible.. B'Coz Maths is compalsory subject..

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Is maths a science-based subject?

Maths is a science. It's not the typical science people think of, but it is a science. Science is a maths-based subject. You need maths in science but you don't need 'science' in maths. Your question can be interpreted in different ways, but it really depends on what you mean by science or maths and the definition you use.

How do you make interesting models on maths exhibition?

by using models, duh