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Q: Why might someone chooses to use the Y intercept and the slope to graph a line?
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In science and statistics, particularly. When someone wishes to express his/her findings, he/she might want to use a graph. You have to know how to read a graph to understand it.

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If the motion changes, the graph might show a different shape, slope, or position. For example, if the speed increases, the graph might show a steeper slope. If the direction of motion changes, the graph might show negative values or a curve. Any variation in the motion will be reflected in the graph.

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try using this website called omegle. it chooses a totally random person in the world. and eventually someone who actually cares might come up and help you with your problems. hope that helps(:

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The graph could go on forever while a data table only shows a part of the graph.

How do you do graph with slope and y intercept form?

If you are looking at a graph with to coordinate The "Y-Intercept is" what is on the "Y-Axis". The "Y-Axis" is the big line that runs through the middle of your coordinate plain (your graph). The "X-Axis" is what goes through the the middle of your coordinate plain but runs side-to-side. Now, you must find the slope of your two points. A slope intercept form would look like this---> y = mx + b. "m" is your slope and "b" is your y-intercept. We need to turn what we have now into that. So our slope "m" would be -3/4, now you may ask how did I do that, I'll show you. You might wanna draw out your two points on the graph to understand this better. You look at lets say the (0,2) first... now the way to find the slope is rise/run. That means you look at your rise from that point to the other point then the run from that point to the other point, the rise is what goes up and down, and run is what goes side to side. (0,2) is 3 lines away from (4,1). Then when you go the first 3 lines down, which is your rise, then you go 4 lines over which is you run. When you do that, you should be at your other point. That means your slope is -3/4. So far your slope intercept form looks like this---> y = -3/4x + b. Now were almost done, the next part is easy. Now we just look at our "Y-Axis". (0,2) is on the "Y-Axis" already so our "Y-Intercept" is 2. if it was below the "Y-Axis" our "Y-Intercept" would be -2. That leaves our Slope Intercept form at y = -3/4x + 2. That is Your Slope-Intercept form of a Linear Equation.

What types of data might be graphed on a number line?

It could be a line graph, bar graph, or a pictograph.

How do you graph -7x plus 7y equals -49?

First you might want to divide both sides by 7 so you have -x+y=-7 Now you can write this as y=x-7 So the graph is a line with slope 1 and y intercept -7. To graph it, place a point ( a dot) at (0,-7) Now to find the next point go up one unit and over to the right one unit. Connect the dots and you have the desired line.