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Q: Why mighty city workers in 1840 be less healthy than farmers?
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Why might city workers in 1840 less healthy than farmers?

Although factory work paid good money, the factories were unhealthy and possibly even dangerous places.

Why might city workers in 1840 be less healthy than farmers?

Although factory work paid good money, the factories were unhealthy and possibly even dangerous places.

Why might city workers in 1840 to be less healthy than farmers?

City workers in 1840 were likely less healthy than farmers due to poor living conditions in crowded urban areas, exposure to industrial pollutants, and limited access to nutritious food. The lack of sanitation, clean water, and proper medical care in cities contributed to higher rates of disease and health problems among urban workers compared to farmers living in rural areas with cleaner environments and more physically demanding, but less hazardous, work.

Why might city workers in 1840 be less than farmers?

Although factory work paid good money, the factories were unhealthy and possibly even dangerous places.

What jobs were available in 1840?

farmers and hunters

What was the average workday for factory workers in 1840?

jz soda

What were the most common jobs in Britain 1840?

working in factorys mines farmers not sure really :/

Compared with the working conditions in the early 1800s the condition of workers in 1840 had?

become much worse

More than 80 percent of which group voted in the 1840 presidental election?

native americans

Each of the following inventors developed machinery that would lead to the increased productivity of farmers between 1790 and 1840 except?

The following inventors developed machinery that would lead to the increased productivity of farmers between 1790 and 1840: Eli Whitney, Charles Newbold, Jethro Wood, Thomas Moore, McCormick, John Deere, Leonard Andrus, and many others.

What is 1835 rounded to the nearest ten?


What inventions were made in 1840?

The repeating rilfle was made in 1840. For more answers, search "inventions made in 1840."