

Why mixed schools is bad?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Why mixed schools is bad?
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Well, the Jewish schools are Jewish and the Mixed schools are mixed.

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mixed schools is better it is commbaind knoladge

Why mixed schools are good?

If we didn have mixed schools then how are we supposed to be able to prepare are kids to work with the opposite color ?

Are French schools mixed or just boys or girls?

In France, most schools are mixed, meaning that both boys and girls attend the same school. There are also some single-sex schools available, but they are less common.

Are there single sex schools in Ireland?

Yes, there are all girls schools and all boys schools. But of course their are mixed ones too.

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In Saudi Arabia, all public schools, and most private schools, are segregated by gender. A few international schools are mixed.

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As of 2014, there were 2,344 high schools (grades 9-12 or 10-12) in Florida, of which there were 1,563 public schools and 781 private schools. This does not include mixed curricula schools or some primarily vo-tech schools.

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How have governments tried to increase competition between schools?

By installing magnets in schools which are programs that create draw to schools that are bad or in a bad neghborhood or a school that is undesirable for any other reason.

What happens when steroids are mixed with others?

Bad things buddy, bad things..

Are there any schools to learn in Sri Lanka?

yes, there are many schools to learn in sri lanka. mixed [international], girls only and boys only schools are all available.