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Q: Why must Food be stored at least 6 in (15 cm) from the floor?
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List five point which would fall under food hygiene?

cleanliness of the premesis pest control storage of food (this includes drink as well) - food must not be stored on the floor, must be in sealed containers, labelled properly and be in date fridge temperatures stock control - first in first out

Which of the survival needs must be renewed routinely Of these which can be stored for later use?

food water

What is the excess of stored food in humans?

The excess of food that is stored in the human body is known as fat. A person must be mindful of having too much fat storage, as this can cause a strain on the body.

How long does ready to eat tcs foods need to be stored for labling?

Ready-to-eat TCS food prepped in-house can be stored for up to 7 days if held at 41F or lower. It must be date marked if held for longer than 24 hours. The label must indicate when the food must be sold, eaten, or thrown out.

To prevent cross contamination after each task you must clean and sanitize .?

Food should be served and stored in clean utensils (also stored in a fridge of freezer) to help avoid the risk of food poisoning, notably from Salmonella.

Extra energy is primarilly stored?

Extra energy is primarily stored in the form of glycogen in muscles and the liver, and also as adipose tissue (body fat) for long-term energy storage. When energy is needed, the body can break down these reserves to release stored energy in the form of ATP to fuel various metabolic processes.

Why undigested food in the rectum must be passed out?

because it is considered waste and could be toxic for your body if stored in for too long

How long can a bottle nose dolphin without food?

They must eat at least twice a day.

How can you tell if restaurants have passed their county health inspections?

Check the restrooms. If they are clean, in good working order and well stocked with soap and clean towels, that is a good sign. Also take a peak into the kitchen and see if it's clean and tidy. Same goes for the person who is serving you. CHECK THE HEALTH REPORT THAT MUST BE POSTED IN PUBLIC VEIW, IT HAS TO BE AT LEAST AN 85 TO PASS, BUT 95 UP IS GOOD, ANYTHING UNDER 85 FAILS Scoring method varies by state and county, but in California the most recent inspection report must be made available to anyone upon request.

How much food do killdeer eat?

To survive most birds must eat at least half their own weight in food each day.

How do you get to the 2 floor of the library on build a bear ville?

you must have at least 5 bears brought to life then go to the library make crying emotion

Why must cement be stored on a raised platform?

Cement appear to be kinda hygroscopic. Probably to prevent a cold moist floor/lower platform on the ground of the water/moisture to be absorbed by the cement and caking(?).