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Q: Why must the tray necessarily be larger than the arch or jaw in taking the alginate impression?
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Is inverse operations a multiplication or division word?

Not necessarily. The inverse operation of finding a reciprocal is doing the same thing again. The inverse operation of raising a number to a power is taking the appropriate root, the inverse operation of exponentiation is taking logarithms; the inverse operation of taking the sine of an angle is finding the arcsine of the value (and similarly with other trigonometric functions);

The sum of two numbers is 3 times their difference If the larger number is 6 more than the smaller number what is the larger number?

ya i will solve this question by taking assumptions if we observe the question easily identified the larger number is greater than smaller number by 6 and one thing is the sum of two numbers is 3 times their difference from this information we clearly says sum is divided by 3 so if we take smaller number 1 larger number 7(add 6) (1+6)=3(5) and now smaller number 2 larger number 8 (2+8)=3(6) : : : take smaller number 6 larger number 12 this is the correct answer 6+12=3(6)

What is bigger 12.7 or 8?

12.7 is bigger than 8. Here are the steps to convert the answer to HTML: 12.7 is the larger number Convert the larger number to HTML: 12.7Therefore the answer is that 12.7 is bigger than 8.

Which is bigger pound of bricks pound of feathers?

A pound of bricks and a pound of feathers weigh the same because they both weigh one pound. The difference lies in their volume, with bricks being denser and taking up less space compared to feathers.

Is the square of every number between 0 and 1 larger than the number itself?

No. In fact, all the squares of numbers between 0 and 1 are smaller than the originals. The exact opposite is true for numbers between -1 and 0.i.e. 0.52 = 0.25. This is because when you square 0.5, you are taking one half of one half, which is one quarter.i.e. -0.52 = -0.25. This is because here, you are doing the same thing, except attaching a negative sign in front. -0.25 is larger than -0.5 because it is closer to zero.

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What is the first step in recording an impression?

taking a photo

Theories of impression making in complete denture?

I would suggest going to and click on the subtitle "Basic Principals in Impression Taking" you will probably learn more there than any place else on the Internet you could find yourself.

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Not necessarily. Only if you keep your stride rate the same.

Why is the Air conditioning not taking hot air out?

Sounds like a problem which involves the evaporator, although the problem may not necessarily be at the evaporator.