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Q: Why not use more control variables rather than depend on randomization as the means of controlling extraneous variables?
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What is The primary purpose of correlational research is to explore relationships and among variables. causation predictions randomization controls?

The primary purpose of correlational research is to explore relationships among variables to understand how they are related. It does not determine causation, make predictions, involve randomization, or have control groups.

Why is important to control variables in an experiment?

So that you can know what is the manipulating variable, the controlling variable, and the responding variable! To control the variables!

What do scientists often do to reduce the effects of uncontrollable variables?

Scientists often use control groups, randomization, and blinding techniques to reduce the effects of uncontrollable variables in their experiments. Control groups help establish a baseline for comparison, randomization helps minimize bias, and blinding techniques prevent researchers and participants from being influenced by their expectations.

What are controlling variables?

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What are the differences between field study and lab study?

Field studies are conducted in real-world settings, while lab studies are conducted in controlled environments. Field studies tend to have more external validity as they reflect real-world conditions, whereas lab studies offer more control over variables. Field studies may be more challenging to control for extraneous factors compared to lab studies.

Which variable can you control?

You can control independent variables in an experiment. These are factors that you deliberately change in order to observe their effect on dependent variables, which are the outcomes you are measuring. By controlling independent variables, you can help determine cause-and-effect relationships.

What is the difference between controlling variables and using controls?

Controlling variables is when you make sure that only one variable is being tested at a time and that there are not other variables that will make your results unclear. Using a control is when you do a trial without the variable to see what the normal results are.

Why it is difficult to control extraneous variables in class rooms?

Extraneous variables are any variables other than the independent variable (the experimental variable) that can affect the real-world situation, with multiple uncontrollable variables that can affect the outcome of any experimental manipulation. These include the different personality, intellectual, and motivational qualities of the individual students in the various classes and the nature and quality of their interactions. Added to this is the fact that each class has a different teacher, whose own personal teaching style may influence the outcome. Some of these extraneous variables can be statistically controlled by the use of techniques like analysis of covariance, but this may be of limited value in a small scale intervention.

How do researchers control for factors that could influence a dependent variable?

Researchers control for factors that could influence a dependent variable by using various methods such as randomization, matching, statistical analysis, and experimental design. They may also use control groups, blinding techniques, and stratification to minimize the impact of extraneous variables on the dependent variable. By carefully designing and conducting experiments, researchers can isolate the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

Is A variable that changes outside the control of the participants an independent variable?

No, an independent variable is one that is intentionally manipulated by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable. A variable that changes outside of the participants' control would typically be considered an extraneous variable that could potentially influence the results of the study.

3 What is a major problem resulting from the lack of randomization in a cohort study?

The lack of randomization in a cohort study can lead to selection bias, where certain characteristics of participants are not evenly distributed between comparison groups. This can affect the internal validity of the study results, making it difficult to attribute observed differences to the exposure being studied rather than other factors. Randomization helps to control for potential confounding variables and ensures that differences in outcomes can be more confidently attributed to the intervention or exposure being investigated.