Nothing is nothing, because there isn't "anything". There is "no thing". The word combination was used so often together that over time, English speakers combined the two words. The same thing happened to "something", "anything", "however", "whatsoever", "insofar", etc. If nothing were suddenly to become something, then the universe would explode into little tiny pieces.
nothing. that is impossible
nothing does... that's actually impossible
Nothing is both less than 5 and greater than 10. It is impossible.
because there is nothing to divide, it is in all absolute zero, a black hole, a compilation of nothing
This question is impossible to answer since, in the UK, the two things are exactly the same! So the steps are: sit back, do nothing!
Nothing Is Impossible was created in 2006.
Daniel Merriweather - Impossible
Yes, perfectly.
Impossible is nothing = Không có gì là không thể
forever sports
It's impossible to do nothing because there is always a name for something which means every action has a name so that is why it is impossible to do nothing.
It is impossible to happen. nothing is impossible
Nothing NOthing is impossible for god. NOthing is above God, If you eat nothing you will die..
nothing is impossible! just try your best!
Impossible is nothing when .............Everything becomes Possible..Howz that??
The cast of Impossible Is Nothing - 2012 includes: Bret Jackelow as himself
Well, yes