

Why null vector is called vector?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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13y ago

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The same sort of reasoning that zero is a number. It ensures that the set of all vectors is closed under addition and that, in turn, allows the generalization of many operations on vectors.

Also, the way we got around the concept of having something with zero magnitude also have a direction is pretty cool. We made it up! In abstract algebra it's perfectly OK to constrain a specific algebraic structure with rules (called axioms) that the structure must follow.

In your example, the algebraic structure that vectors are in is called a "vector space." One of the axioms that define a vector space is:

"An element, 0, called the null vector, exists in a vector space, v, such that v + 0 = vfor all of the vectors in the vector space."

Ta Da!! Aren't we clever?

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Yes, you can add anything to null vector.

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The sum of two null vectors is a null vector. And since a direction is not relevant for a null vector, the resultant has no direction either.

Can you add 0 to a null vector?

Yes, any number can be added to a null vector.

What is meant by null vector?

a vector with nothing in it

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The null vector, also called the zero vector, is a vector a, such that a+b=b for any vector b. Also, b+( -b)=a An example in R3 is the vector <0,0,0> Here are some examples of its use <2,2,2>+<-2,-2,-2>=<0,0,0> <2,2,2>+<0,0,0>=<2,2,2>

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Only if your zero is a null vector. You cannot add pure numbers and vectors.

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They are the same.

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scalar cannot be added to a vector quantity