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It depends on the context.

Numbers are usually written in brackets to

  • change the order of mathematical operations, for example, (2+3)*5 = 5*5 = 25 while 2+3*5 = 2+15 = 17
  • to indicate functional dependencies eg p = f(x, y) to show that p is a function of x and y
  • represent membership of a set, eg {1,3,5,...} for the set of positive odd integers.

Text is usually written in brackets to add further details that may not be essential to the main part of the text.

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Q: Why numbers and text are written in brackets?
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What are parentheses or brackets?

Brackets are punctuation marks used in pairs to set apart or interject text within other text. In the United States, "bracket" sometimes refers specifically to the square or box type.There are four main types of brackets:round brackets, open brackets or parentheses: ( )square brackets, closed brackets or box brackets: [ ]curly brackets, squiggly brackets, swirly brackets, braces, or chicken lips: { }angle brackets, diamond brackets, cone brackets or chevrons: < > or &#10216; &#10217;

What is an angle bracket?

An angle bracket is either of a set of brackets, ? and ?, used to enclose text, or one of the inequality signs, &lt; or &gt;, when used as brackets, such as in HTML.

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Square brackets are used for citations in formal pieces of text. Instead of using normal brackets, the square brackets signal something that has been added in after publishing.

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In APA format, sources should be cited in-text by including the author's last name and the publication year in parentheses. When citing numbers in text, numbers zero to nine are spelled out, while numbers 10 and above are written as numerals. In the reference list, numbers are always written as numerals.

Are neg numbers always in brackets?

No, not always.

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What does the use of brackets in a indicate?

The quote has been changed from its original text

Why do you use inverted brackets?

because it makes text comprehensive and easy to read.

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