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Q: Why paint the north side of a house one color and the other sides different?
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Why is the color of the white house white?

Yes. Also if you think about it what other color would they do.

Can you use color opens over each other to get different colors?

There is nothing found online about color opens or using color opens over each other to get different colors. However, mixing different colors can make different colors.

Can you find white tigers in the north pole?

Absolutely not. White tigers are simply a rare genetic variant and are no different than any other color of tiger. They are found wherever other tigers live.

Why are there different blood in other animals?

It is of their different color blood cell.

Which metal hasa different color from the others?

Gold is different in color from most other metals as it has a distinct yellow hue, while most other metals appear silver or gray in color.

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because they are a different color

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from the color

How do you marry someone from a different house on sims 2?

To marry someone from a different house you first have to make your sims fall in love with each other. then click on the sim from the other house and find propose. tada! that should do it.

Where is the Corolla North Carolina beach house the Gosselins stayed at located?

The Beach House rented by the Gosselins is located in Corolla North Carolina - close to the beach and other amenities See related links for the rental listing for the house.

Why does water taste different at other houses?

Because each house has a different filter system

How is DNA different from human to other human?

Humans are typically 99.9% alike to one another, but some genes like the hair color or the eye color are different.

How do you play WII SPORT with other friends in a different house?

you can't