It was the mark decided upon in 1876 by the United Kingdom Merchant Shipping Act
Hammer a wooden peg and attach an 8 foot thin rope to the peg. Fasten a spike on the other end (to scrape the circle on the ground). After ensuring the distance between the centre peg and the spike is 8 feet in length, keeping the rope taut, use the spike to mark the ground in a circle.
Treat the 3D sphere as a 2D circle. The radius for the sphere is the same radius as for the circle. No matter where on the sphere you place a mark, the distance (radius) from the mark to the centre of the sphere will always be the same as the circle.
registered trade mark ®
Draw a diameter on the circle from A to B and mark the midpoint, C (center of the circle). Mark the midpoint, D, of one of those radii (halfway between center and edge). Draw a perpendicular line to the diameter from D to the two edges of the circle, E and F. Draw radii from E to C and F to C. Lines AC, EC, and FC mark the three equal parts of a circle.
It is known as the plimsoll line, originally called the plimsoll mark.
Probably not. The purpose of a plimsoll mark is to protect insurance companies that insure merchant vessels. To get a plimsoll mark you must build the vessel to a classification societies standards and endure continual inspections. Since the Calypso started life as a warship, warships do not have to conform to the same standards as merchant vessels, they are not classified by a society and thus have no plimsoll mark.
The Plimsoll line is there for safety's sake. It's to prevent overloading of a vessel.The Plimsoll line or Plimsoll mark is named for the 19th Century Englishman Samuel Plimsoll, who first suggested that it was necessary to have permanent line or mark on the hull of merchant ships to show the depth to which a vessel may be safely and legally loaded. This "load" line differs from the waterline, which shows where the unloaded vessel floats. The Plimsoll mark is important because if it is submerged due to overloading, it immediately shows that the vessel does not have enough freeboard (that part of the vessel that is out of the water) to be safe.
There is one on each side, port and starboard.
According to the International Load Line Convention, the Plimsoll mark is placed at the same level as the summer (or standard) minimum freeboard line. In standard conditions (summer, in sea water), if the vessel is loaded in such a way that the plimsoll mark is submerged, then it cannot sail. It is considered overloaded. This is done, of course, to protect the lives of the sailors on board.
On the contrary: The English politician and reformer, Samuel Plimsoll, devised the Plimsoll Line to prevent the overloading of ships. Ships float higher on salt water, and lower on fresh water. So the Plimsoll Line, painted on the bow of a ship, indicates the mark past which the ship must not pass - or it would be overloaded.
The plimsoll line is a reference mark painted on the bow of a ship. If the line is below the water level, the ship is overloaded. There are lines for when on fresh water and when on salt water.
Buoyancy is the force that allows a ship to float on water, and the Plimsoll line is a reference mark on a ship's hull to indicate the maximum safe loading depth. By observing the Plimsoll line, ship operators can ensure that the ship is not overloaded, maintaining a proper balance between the weight of the ship and the buoyant force of the water to prevent sinking.
I believe if you look closer to the circle you will find its actually a tire shape.. it means you have a problem some where in you tire/drive system
Any of a set of lines on the hull of a merchant ship that indicate the depth to which it may be legally loaded under specified conditions. Also called load line, Plimsoll line.
Sure. It is as much a shape as anything else that you can put on paper or in print. It is not one of the standard shapes of geometry and it may have no name other than 'check mark', but it is a shape.
its sometimes a shape but some of them are formattin mark