Because demand creates the price, and not the price dictates the demand.
Here are two variablesDemand and Price, whereas Price is Independent variable &Demand is dependent variable, i.e. if price of something changes the demand will also be affected. Now simple Differential Equation isd (Demand)= constantd (Price)But keep in mind that Price is a function not a simple variable.
dependent variable
I'm doing a science project on if fingerprint patterns are inherited? what is the control, independent variable and dependent variable? An ''independent variable is a ''variable which is presumed to affect or determine a dependent ''variable. independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated.'''''' Example; In price and sales relationship one can manipulate price to check its effect on sales, so sale is dependent and price is independent variable.
yes. usually you will work with an equal amount of dependent and independent variables. (ie, one dependent variable for every independent variable, and such that there is some kind of relationship between each..) If only. Usually a variable depends on many other variables. Such as, the price of a house depends on its size, number of rooms, distance to schools, age, windows etc.
Either- and most people are ignorant of this fact. If your study is about how the size of the bottle affects the price, then the independent variable is the size of the bottle and the dependent is the price. However, if your study is to determine how the price that you pay affects the size of the bottle, the independent variable is the amount of money and the dependent is the bottle size.
Here are two variablesDemand and Price, whereas Price is Independent variable &Demand is dependent variable, i.e. if price of something changes the demand will also be affected. Now simple Differential Equation isd (Demand)= constantd (Price)But keep in mind that Price is a function not a simple variable.
The usual way is to plot the independent variable on the horizontal, and the dependent variable on the vertical. There are some where the dependent is on the horizontal, though. Supply-Demand and Price graphs in Economics comes to mind, as an example.
dependent variable
The usual way is to plot the independent variable on the horizontal, and the dependent variable on the vertical. There are some where the dependent is on the horizontal, though. Supply-Demand and Price graphs in Economics comes to mind, as an example.
I'm doing a science project on if fingerprint patterns are inherited? what is the control, independent variable and dependent variable? An ''independent variable is a ''variable which is presumed to affect or determine a dependent ''variable. independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated.'''''' Example; In price and sales relationship one can manipulate price to check its effect on sales, so sale is dependent and price is independent variable.
Elasticity is "a measure of responsiveness that tells us how a dependent variable such as a quantity responds to a change in an independent variable such as price." Basically, that means that elastic product's demand is affected by price and an inelastic product's demand is unaffected by price.For example: if a product is elastic, the price goes up and demand goes down, or the price goes down and demand goes up. Examples are electronics, candy and junk food, and even cars.If a product is inelastic, the demand will stay the same no matter the price. Examples are medical supplies.
price is dependent or independent?quantity
yes. usually you will work with an equal amount of dependent and independent variables. (ie, one dependent variable for every independent variable, and such that there is some kind of relationship between each..) If only. Usually a variable depends on many other variables. Such as, the price of a house depends on its size, number of rooms, distance to schools, age, windows etc.
The term elasticity indicates responsiveness of one variable to change in other variable.For e.g.,when variable x responds to change in variable y,variable x is said to be elastic.Likewise,demand is said to be elastic if it responds to change in price. There are three main determinants of demand,they are price of the commodity,income of the consumers,and price of the related goods.Thus,elasticity of demand means responsiveness of demand due to change in price of the commodity,income of the consumer,and price of the related gooods. Or you can say that,it measures the degree of change in the quantity demanded of the commodity in response to a given change in price of the commodity,change in consumer's income or price of the related goods. Accordingly,there are three main type of elasticities of demand: 1. Price elasticity of demand: Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of demand for a commodity due to change in it's price. 2. Income elasticity of demand: It indicates the responsiveness of demand to change in consumer's income.It is the degree of change of demand to a change in consumer's income. 3. Cross elasticity of demand: It refers to change in quantity demanded of commodity x as a result of changes in the price of commodity y. Here, x and y can be either substitute goods or complementary goods).