If the ranges went up in multiples of 10 then reading (say) 1.05 isn't too easy to be accurate relative to the size of 1.05. So multiple ranges are provided.
72. It will be a multiple of the lowest common multiple of 2, 6 and 8: lcm(2, 6, 8) = 24 49 ÷ 24 = 21/24 → first multiple of 24 in the range 49-95 is 3 x 24 = 72 95 ÷ 24 = 323/24 → last multiple of 24 in the range 49-95 is 3 x 24 = 72 So the solution is 3 x 24 = 72.
You could be 154 but the digital sum of 154 is 1 and not 10
What is a multiple of 2 and 3?A multiple of 2 and 3 is 6.
Any number that is divisible by 3 has the sum of its digits equal to 3 or a multiple of 3. 387436 . . . 3 + 8 + 7 + 4 + 3 + 6 = 31 which is NOT a multiple of 3. 2345 . . . . .2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14 which is also NOT a multiple of 3. If we make the first number 387435 then this is divisible by 3. And if we alter the second number to 2346 then this now is divisible by 3.
No, but 30 is a multiple of 2.
1 x Digital multimeter with LCD Display (the body or main unit) 2 x test leads with attached probes (sometimes removable) - 1 x black negative probe - 1 x red positive probe
Use a multimeter or digital multimeter and set it to the ohmmeter mode. Put the test leads on the speaker terminals. It won't be perfect, but if it says 1.8 ohms or so then it's a 2 ohm speaker.
72. It will be a multiple of the lowest common multiple of 2, 6 and 8: lcm(2, 6, 8) = 24 49 ÷ 24 = 21/24 → first multiple of 24 in the range 49-95 is 3 x 24 = 72 95 ÷ 24 = 323/24 → last multiple of 24 in the range 49-95 is 3 x 24 = 72 So the solution is 3 x 24 = 72.
BBC 2 is broadcast on a UHF frequency band, specifically in the range of 470-694 MHz for digital broadcasts.
Kodak manufactures the v570 digital camera. You can find a full range of these at: www.kodak.com/eknec/PageQuerier.jhtml?pq-path=8754. You can also find reveiws and tips at reviews.cnet.com/digital-cameras/...v570/4505-6501_7-31637957-2.html
If a number is a multiple of nine, its digit root (the sum of its digits until the answer is only one digit long) is 9 (for multiples of 3, this is the case if the digital root is 3, 6 or 9).For 163, 1 + 6 + 3 = 10. 1 + 0 = 1 so the digital root is 1 and therefore 163 is not a multiple of 9.However, for 162, 1 + 6 + 2 = 9 so the digital root is 9 so 162 is a multiple of 9 (18 x 9 = 162).
You could be 154 but the digital sum of 154 is 1 and not 10
To test a 2 prong sealed beam light, first disconnect the light from the power source. Then, using a multimeter, set it to the continuity test mode. Touch one lead of the multimeter to one prong and the other lead to the second prong. If the multimeter beeps, it indicates that there is good continuity and the sealed beam light is functioning properly.
idk u need the follwing 1)fresh potato 2)zinc and copper electrodes 3)wires 4)multimeter now put both of the electrodes in the potato and connect the wires and the multimeter around the electrodes THEN the multimeter will tell u the voltage of the potato HOPE THIS HELPED
idk u need the follwing 1)fresh potato 2)zinc and copper electrodes 3)wires 4)multimeter now put both of the electrodes in the potato and connect the wires and the multimeter around the electrodes THEN the multimeter will tell u the voltage of the potato HOPE THIS HELPED
What is a multiple of 2 and 3?A multiple of 2 and 3 is 6.
The population of Digital Heaven is 2.