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outside the relevant range, variable cost and fixed cost behaviors patterns may change

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Q: Why relevant range important?
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Relevant range of activity?

The relevant range of activity refers to a the current level of production. If production drops or increases, then the relevant range will change.

Define relevant range in accounting?

an increase or decrease on a company's fixed costs is however not only dependent on the relevant period but also on the relevant production range. The total fixed costs will remain constant if the relevant production range can be handled by the same number of production units, producing fewer steps. If a certain step ( certain cost level) encompasses the entire relevant range of activity, the costs are entirely fixed.

A term describing a firm's normal range of operating activities is?

The relevant range of operations.

What is relevant cost range?

The price range that an asset or commodity will fluctuate within. The relevant cost range for a barrel of oil has been increasing dramatically thanks to the US Biden administrations policies and the Ukraine - Russia war, for instance.

The relevant range concept is not applicable to mixed costs?


What is the word for new and important?

new-recent important-relevant

What does relevant range means?

The span of activity in which a company expects to operate.

What is relevant rang of activity level in an organization in accounting?

The relevant range of activity level in accounting refers to the range of operations over which a company's cost behavior patterns remain consistent. It helps in making accurate cost predictions and budgeting decisions based on historical data. Understanding the relevant range is crucial for management to optimize resources effectively.

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Is relevant important or unimportant?

Relevant means important. The actual definition in Merriam-Webster dictionary is, having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand.

What is relevant rang?

Relevant range is an accounting term that pertains to the minimum and maximum value. It sets the cost boundary in a certain activity level.

The term relevant range as used in cost accounting means the range over which?

Tut Tut Peter Clarke wudnt be happy??