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Q: Why secondary data might prove to be inaccurate for a firm specific purposes?
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What is the opposite of inaccurate?

The opposite of inaccurate is accurate. Other words that might apply are correct or exact.

What is propaganda and how might it be accurate and inaccurate at the same time?

Propaganda is information used to influence people's beliefs or actions. It can be accurate when it presents facts or truth, but inaccurate when it distorts or manipulates information to serve a specific agenda. The accuracy of propaganda depends on the intent behind its creation and the sources of information used.

What are some things that might make an experiment invalid?

Inaccurate data entry.

What is a synonym for secondary consumer?

A secondary consumer eats animals, so you might use carnivore. (Of course some carnivores are tertiary or even higher level consumers, or a secondary consumer might be an omnivore.)

Why might information collected from market research be inaccurate?

out of fashion sample size is small question are badly design

What does the medical term secondary mean?

This means work caused the medical condition.

What do we call the voltage that is provided by a transformer?

This is the transformed voltage, but it might also be identified as the secondary voltage as it is taken from the secondary winding.

What are some purposes for which an electronic kit might be useful?

An electronic kit might be useful for many purposes. An example is if a wire gets disconnected for some reason and needs to be soldered back together.

How accurate is intuition?

Intuition may be accurate or inaccurate depending on the person. If a person is particularly perceptive they might have a very accurate intuition.

Where can I go online to research the cost of pagers for my business?

Go to and search for pagers. In the search you might want to search more specific like 'pagers for business setting' or 'sale on numerous pagers for business purposes'.

Is pancreatic cancer always a secondary cancer?

No, not necessarily. it might arise as an independent one as well as secondary to some other malignant neoplasm.

What shops are secondary sectors?

Secondary sector includes light and heavy manufacturers: so retailers that manufacture and sell to others might qualify.