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Q: Why shoud we read 20 minutes every day?
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How many minutes would you spend to read if you read for 45 minutes for 7 days?

If you spent 45 minutes at it every day, you wouldtotal up 315 minutes in a 7-day week.That's 5hours 15minutes .It's also 51/4 hours.

If you have one day to read 306 pages what should you do?

First of all if it is a homework assignment then you just do it. Every 30 minutes take a break. And if you have to read that many pages in one day then you need to not procrastinate.

How many minutes would you spend to read for 45 minutes in 7 days?

If you spent 45 minutes at it every day, you would total up 315 minutes in a 7-day week. That's 5hours 15minutes . It's also 51/4 hours.

How many minutes a day should you read?

At least 30 minutes.

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he read and wrote every day

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8.5 times 60 = 510 minutes

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Every day of the week! At every Mass readings from the Epistles and Gospels is read.

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twice a day

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There are more skate boards broken every day more than there are minutes in a day.

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If you read 15 minutes per day every day and end up reading 12 books of 200 pages each in one year what is your reading rate in pages per minute?

0.44 pg/mm

How many times every 3 minutes in a day?