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Q: Why should a graph of absorbance versus concentration go through the origin?
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Why should the y intersect of any Beer's law plot equal zero?

The y-intercept of a Beer's law plot should equal zero because at zero concentration of the analyte, there should be zero absorbance. This is because Beer's law states that absorbance is directly proportional to concentration. If the y-intercept is not zero, it suggests a systematic error in the data or instrument calibration.

What is absorbance vs concentration?

Absorbance is a measure of the amount of light absorbed by a sample at a specific wavelength, typically measured using a spectrophotometer. Concentration is the amount of a substance present in a unit volume of a solution, often expressed in moles per liter (M). The relationship between absorbance and concentration is governed by Beer's Law, which states that absorbance is directly proportional to concentration and path length.

Why should the concentration of sample be low in spectrophotometer readings?

A low concentration of sample in spectrophotometer readings is beneficial because it helps to avoid the signal saturation that can occur at high concentrations. This saturation can lead to inaccurate measurements and limit the spectrophotometer's ability to detect differences in absorbance between samples. By keeping the concentration low, the spectrophotometer can provide more precise and reliable readings.

Why absorbance should be taken in 750 nm in lowrys method?

Absorbance at 750 nm in Lowry's method is used because it corresponds to the peak absorbance of the copper-tyrosine complex formed during the reaction, ensuring accurate measurement of the protein concentration. This wavelength specifically targets the color change associated with the biuret reaction, enhancing the sensitivity and specificity of the assay.

What is baseline in uv?

In UV spectroscopy, the baseline refers to the horizontal line at zero absorbance on the absorbance axis. It represents the reference point for measuring the absorbance of the sample. The baseline should be stable and noise-free to ensure accurate measurement of the absorbance of the sample.

How do you determine molar absorptivity of cobalt nitrate?

Molar absorptivity is determined by measuring the absorbance of a known concentration of cobalt nitrate solution at a specific wavelength using a spectrophotometer. The molar absorptivity (ε) is calculated using Beer-Lambert's Law, A = εlc, where A is the absorbance, ε is the molar absorptivity, l is the path length of the sample, and c is the concentration of the solution.

Why should an absorbance level not exceed a value of 1?

An absorbance value exceeding 1 can indicate that the sample is too concentrated, leading to inaccuracies in the measurement due to light scattering or saturation of the detector. To ensure accurate readings and avoid errors, it is recommended to dilute the sample to bring the absorbance within the linear range of the detector.

What is the actual absorbancy if 2mL of a culture is diluted by adding 4mL of water and the absorbancy reading of the diluted culture is 0.059?

The actual absorbance of the undiluted culture can be calculated by multiplying the absorbance reading of the diluted culture by the dilution factor. In this case, the dilution factor is 2 (total volume after dilution divided by initial volume), so the actual absorbance is 0.059 * 2 = 0.118.

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Does the solution cobalt chloride obey the beer Lambert law?

Yes, the solution of cobalt chloride does obey the Beer-Lambert law. This law describes the relationship between absorbance, concentration, and path length for a substance in solution. Cobalt chloride, being a colored compound, can be used for spectrophotometric measurements based on this law.

Will the dissolved oxygen in the water be absorbed during digestion?

Dissolved Oxygen can diffused through the membrane in digestion system by concentration gradient however the amount absorbed should be minimal or negligible.